In this section – under this introductory (input) information, you can read my letter, entitled "AFFIDAVIT OF A LIVING MAN" (together with other attachments), which I sent to the so-called "highest institutions" around the world and which, if you agree with its content and consider it appropriate, you can, on the basis of my so-called "CONSENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF MY so-called "PERSONAL DATA" – i.e. MY so-called "LEGAL FICTION"" and also the so-called "SPECIAL GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY", which you will find, along with other information and evidence related to my letter, also below – in the form of attachments, to disseminate to anyone, anywhere in the world and in unlimited quantities. I believe that you will find useful information in my attached respective letter, at least broaden your horizons about how things work in our world as far as the system is concerned, and on the basis of obtaining (not only) this information – which is always the basis of everything – to be up to date and to have an overview, you can already take appropriate steps. It is up to you how you continue to approach life and this "matrix" system that is part of the reality we all find ourselves in. I (not only) did the minimum for myself and at the same time, the maximum of what I have seen fit and necessary to do. I am not consciously harming anyone and I respect everyone's free will. All I do is naturally defend my rights and the rights of my loved ones and defend myself and them against anything that hurts us and violates our natural rights as free living human beings – it is just a reaction to an action taken against us by the slave system. In other words – I won't have more (figuratively speaking) jumping on my head. I can't do much myself, and to be honest, I don't expect people to come to their senses and wake up, because I haven't seen it in my lifetime, and judging by the thinking and associated behaviour of people (in general - globally) around the world, it doesn't look like anything is going to change any time soon...
This slave system has given us the internet, which is an entertainment that has (by design) become an addiction for people, but primarily it is (along with other "gadgets") part of the systemic manipulation (hypnosis) of an already pretty degenerate human population. And if anyone will argue that he is doing something, I'm sorry to disappoint you and my goal is not to insult you in any way, but the eternal posting, endless lifelong commenting and complaining on the Internet, the so-called “Likes, hearts, thumbs up”, or participating in elections or demonstrations, writing and signing petitions and generally engaging in politics (the installed actors – the political puppets that portray it and are part of this theatre) and similar nonsense – this is not really a solution to your/our problems. It is just naive, primitive childish thinking, which will not solve anything – except perhaps "venting" your anger by shouting – or writing and complaining on so-called "social networks", or somewhere on demonstrations, which you participate in your free time, instead of at least devoting yourself to your family, children, hobbies, or whatever you consider appropriate and what really causes you joy and a good feeling of life. Instead, you remain in the same situation – the position you have been, are, and will continue to be in, or in this case the system has done what it planned – you are doing exactly what the system that controls you perfectly wants you to do. But you never know, and maybe change will come to others, and I won't be the only one I know (at least so far) in this world who has consciously escaped from the "matrix" – after all, as they say, hope dies last... So let's see what life will bring.
A piece of advice: start acting immediately (without delay), don't sit on your butt, don't go on forever about what will happen, how something and especially someone will change for you then and then, how change will come sometime in the future, the awakening of humanity and I don't know what else – I'm sorry to disappoint you again, but you'll never get it that way in your life. The power to change your life is in your hands. NO ONE else will solve it for you, no so-called "politician, vaccine, guru, doctor", healer, or even some "higher being" you may be praying to – I have come to understand in my lifetime that no such person exists in the world (except for existing in your head). And if any such self-proclaimed "saviour" of humanity appears, I am 99% sure that it will be a false saviour and will not do it for your benefit, but for his own benefit, virtually only for the benefit of this anti-human system, whose main task is nothing else than to cause suffering to people, because, as we humans feed on material so-called “food” (actually poisoning), there are other forms of life that need the negative energy of living (not only human) beings "drained" and constantly "being drained" through this satanic perverted slave anti-human corporate system to survive. They are parasites that you – by your constant stress, chasing survival, profit and luxury, and also by your illnesses, quarrels, pains, sorrows, etc. (simply negative emotions) feed and nourish. It is so simple – just focus your attention on what you want, give it your whole being, stop playing this system game – ignore everything that causes you suffering and stress. Start living the life you want. But everyone has to find that out for themselves – to understand and feel it. Ask yourself: what do I do, how do I live, do I enjoy it? What do I want to do in my life, how do I want to feel, do I feel – yes-no? What makes me feel good and what makes me feel bad? In what specific way can I achieve what I want? When you say a sentence – e.g. "I can't afford it" – the brain gets the information and stops working. It's just the way it is, because you've announced it to him as a ready-made fact, period, and he has nothing else to think about. But instead, the question must be asked – "how can I afford it?". Then, compared to the previous example, a completely different situation occurs – and this time the brain starts working and looking for a solution. And believe that if you really want to and you are insistent, you will do it with the right amount of enthusiasm, you will not be discouraged by failure and obstacles that life will most likely start (as they say) throwing like logs under your feet, so there will always be a suitable solution. It must be found, there is simply no other option... The outcome of your efforts (or lack of efforts) will always depend on how you approach the whole matter, and life itself. I am not giving you some theoretical advice, but I have tested it in practice in my life more than once. At the very least, you should at least try to do this – and most importantly, don't be discouraged by possible failure. We need to fight, stop theorising and start acting. Start now, not tomorrow, then (later), some other time – START NOW.
So..., I think there's been more than enough wisdom already, so here are the aforementioned documents, along with my
letter in question, which I sent to various corporations around the world. I wish everyone a pleasant reading of my letter
and most importantly, understanding what this is all about...
A little "technical information" about the attachments": You can read the following attachments online by clicking on the text (title) of the attachment, or you can download the attachment by clicking on the PDF icon and then, as I mentioned in the above introduction, you can, for example, freely share (publish) it (unedited) to anyone, anywhere (worldwide) and in unlimited quantities – as you see fit.
- Links to watch the videos – preparations to send my letter to the so-called "supreme institutions" around the world - PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT (UCC 1) - INFORMATION ARE BEING PREPARED AND WILL BE PUBLISHED SHORTLY
- Communication with so-called "attorneys and law firms" in the so-called "Czech and Slovak Republic" in Czech and Slovak languages
- Communication with the so-called "registered forensic experts in clinical and non-clinical psychology and psychiatry" in the so-called "Czech Republic" in Slovak and Czech languages
- Communication with the so-called "authorities of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic" in both Slovak and Czech languages
- Communication with the so-called "Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Slovakia" in Slovak language
- Communication with so-called "court translators" and translation "agencies" in the so-called Czech and Slovak Republics in Slovak and Czech languages
- Communication with Croatian so-called "lawyer" (fraudster – thief) Aleksandar Jakić and (fraudulent) so-called "Croatian Bar Association" in "Czech-Slovak" and "Croatian" language
- Negative experience with the so-called "notary Mgr. Jan Dytrych” in Prague, especially with his unpleasant so-called "employees – secretaries"
Communication with a fraudulent and very insolent company "ČEZ Prodej, a.s." in Slovak-Czech language - INFORMATION ARE BEING PREPARED AND WILL BE PUBLISHED SHORTLY