


Dear Sir or Madam,

This public letter of mine and all information in it – freely and seriously stated by me, including my (or, to me *the so-called "state" forcibly – involuntarily assigned) so-called "personal data" and so-called "state and church documents and certificates" -– *i.e. so-called "*legal fiction"(*explained in the "notes – explanations" at the end of "Item No. 1”), which, based on my so-called "General Power of Attorney", I officially publicly authorised to anyone (and) anywhere in the world, in unlimited quantity (number) and with unlimited time validity, in any way – as anyone sees fit, according to their (everyone's) own free will – without any restrictions to publicly share, is addressed to the following so-called "multinational corporations, persons, governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, bodies, joint ventures, executive agencies, supreme institutions and agencies (not only) of the EU" (hereinafter referred to as "persons" and/or "corporations") – in short, to all such corporations, as well as to their direct and indirect so-called "superordinate (superiors – higher positioned authorities)", who control these persons and corporations, i.e. completely all of them, up to the very top (beginning) of this control pyramid structure (hierarchy) of superiority – that is, to its absolute top – up to those who are (figuratively speaking) "behind the theatre curtain" – those whom we do not see, hear and know – their identities and names are not known to the public – from the so-called "legal point of view" according to the laws of your so-called "jurisdiction", one could use the expression that these are the so-called "*unknown perpetrators". Out of the publicly known (not only) corporations, which (among other things) I expect to forward this letter of mine to the so-called "higher positions" above them – their direct and indirect superordinates, the following persons and corporations will receive this letter in physical (letter) form – via mail and/or courier delivery company and also/or only via *e-mail and/or *electronic form listed on their official websites:


(so-called) "Blackrock, Vanguard, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS), the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Supreme Leader of the Roman Catholic Church – Pope Francis (by his own name Jorge Mario Bergoglio), the British Royal Family – (specifically) the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Charles Philip Arthur George (Charles III), World Bank (WB), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Finance Corporation (IFC), European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), European Banking Authority (EBA), European Central Bank (ECB), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), World Economic Forum (WEF), World Trade Organisation (WTO), United Nations (UNO), World Health Organisation (WHO), WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Parliament (seated in Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Washington), Egmont Group, European Ombudsman, Interpol, Europol, European Union Agency for Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (Eurojust), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Maritime Organization (IMO), European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), European External Action Service (EUEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret Intelligence Service – MI6 (SIS), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale Information Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), European Defence Agency (EDA), European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), European Commission, Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Novavax, Generium, Binnofarm, United Nations Federal Credit Union, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Agency for Technical Co-operation and Development (ACTED), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA), Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), European Environment Agency (EEA), European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), International Energy Agency (IEA), OXFAM, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Gavi - The vaccine alliance, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), European Union Space Programme Agency (EUSPA), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Universal Postal Union (UPU), Solvit, Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), European Data Protection Board (EDPB), European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA), European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the BEREC Support Agency (BEREC Office), the Office for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations, European Union Publications Office, European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Euratom Supply Agency (ESA), Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT), European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), European Training Foundation (ETF), European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), European School of Public Administration, European Research Executive Agency (REA), Single Resolution Board (SRB), Publications Office of the European Union, European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), European School of Administration (EuSA), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations (APPF), European Joint Undertakings: - Joint Undertaking (for): Smart Networks and Services (6GSNS), ...Key Digital Technologies (KDT JU), ...Clean Aviation, ...Clean Hydrogen, ...High Performance Computing (EuroHPC JU), ...European Circular Bioeconomy (CBE JU), ...Innovative Health Initiatives (IHI), ...SESAR 3, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), F4E – Fusion Energy, the Executive Agency for the European Innovation and SME Council (EISMEA), the Computer Emergency Response Team for EU Institutions, Agencies and other bodies (CERT-EU), and possibly other persons and corporations not listed here.

Since I do not and never have sought publicity, the photos of my face on my – forcibly – assigned so-called “state documents", i.e. my so-called "legal fiction", which I have allowed to be shared with anyone in the above manner, are blacked out ("censored"). I value and guard my privacy and have deemed the above steps appropriate to take solely for safety reasons – i.e. to reduce the risk of possible (attempted) harm (in any way) to me and/or my loved ones. I have divided all the information in this letter into several items. The meaning of the words – expressions marked with an asterisk (*), is explained (usually) in a note at the end (exceptionally at the beginning) of the whole passage – part of the specific "Item No. ...(from 1 to 12)", in which the expression is found, or in brackets, right after the word, or explained further, as part of the text of the specific "Item No. ...", in which the word marked with an asterisk is found. Since the information in each "Item" of this letter, as well as (not only) the persons and corporations to whom the following lines are addressed, are interconnected, it is necessary, in order to understand the entire context, that (not only) each specific competent so-called "supreme representative" of (not only) each of the above-mentioned "corporations" to whom this letter is addressed ("in their own hands"), read the entire complete letter very carefully, including all its attachments – from the beginning to the end.

*(notes – explanations):

  • The phrase *so-called means and hereinafter to be understood in all grammatical aspects and contexts as it may appear. The meaning of this phrase ("so-called"), used quite often in this letter by me, before various words, official – publicly known names and so-called "legal terms", etc., in most cases these are (not only) so-called "legal terms and expressions", or general terms used in your so-called "jurisdiction", which I do not use, do not recognize the meaning of such words, or are not the most appropriate (e.g. incomplete, semi-truthful, or untruthful) word designation, my disagreement with the name – naming by such term, my disagreement with its use, or with downplaying a certain fact that the word expresses, or it is a non-standard – not very often used or unofficial – not well known to the public in general, or the meaning of such phrase of the word is meant by me only figuratively – symbolically, ironically, not literally, etc. In short, I have / there are more meanings and reasons for this often used phrase in front of words, but I believe that an intelligent person will understand how to correctly explain the meaning of this phrase, in the context of each word it precedes, whatever context it is used in, in front of any word in this letter, and, let's say, a less intelligent individual will have to struggle a bit (as they say) with understanding the true meaning of this phrase. ":)

  • *i.e. – this abbreviation means (and hereinafter to be understood as) "that is, that means, or..." *etc.

  • "*unknown perpetrators" – I used this so-called "legal term" because it refers (not only) to so-called "persons, institutions, organizations and corporations" that illegally keep this "*unfree anti-human corporate slave system" running – *(explained in further "notes – explanations" - under the following "Item no. 1"), a system where e.g. the so-called "police, prosecutors, secret services, courts, lawyers, military, notaries, authorities, laws, punishments *etc. operate illegally.

  • *electronically – i.e. via *e-mail and/or *electronic form, this letter was only sent to persons and corporations that had this option listed in their contact details on their official website at the time of writing/sending this letter

  • *etc. – means (and hereinafter to be understood as) "and the like"

  • *and so forth means (and hereinafter to be understood as) "and so on"

Item 1 (introduction, the so-called "system, school, church..." and my official free expression):

I am writing to you and addressing you for the first and last time, with this my "international manifestation" and announcement, this my information and a bit (partly) of a request in one, which are also my free true affidavit. This letter also expresses (summarizes) my own opinions, which I have arrived at based on my lifetime of experience, my intelligence, and my consciousness, along with giving a few specific examples from my own life regarding the abuse of power by this unfree anti-human corporate slave system, based on my own experiences (so to speak). I wish the things stated here were not true – I wish it were all different, but I am not a person who would tell myself things for peace of mind and thereby try to make light of the facts. I would rather call things by their true names and words, as they are, than to cover my eyes from the truth all my life and lie to myself as well as to others. Denying the facts (the actual reality), in my opinion, leads nowhere. Problems must be solved as quickly and efficiently as possible... So, in spite of the fact (or rather because of the fact) that I write nothing wrong and nothing but the truth and that I realize how I risk a lot by my statements in the following lines – specifically I mean my life as such and my physical and psychological health, as well as the life and health of my loved ones, including the rest of my so-called “freedom” (in big quotation marks), which I do not have yet, without an unnecessarily long introduction, I will try to get straight to the point as briefly and clearly as possible:

I am writing to you as a human being – a real living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a living man living on the earth, under the so-called "*natural law/law of the land/earth", who refuses to continue to live as a so-called "number, thing, goods, commodity, security, taxpayer, debtor, corporate asset", or a so-called "share" traded on the so-called "world stock exchange", in an unfree anti-human corporate slave system – in a so-called "*admiralty jurisdiction", or so-called "*maritime (admiralty) law", into which I was automatically "thrown" and included, as a so-called "*citizen" and so-called "person", immediately upon my birth. I have never voluntarily or consciously decided to be assigned (e.g.) a so-called "birth number". I have never freely and voluntarily decided to own, *or so-called "hold" (be a so-called "holder"), use, nor have I given my voluntary and/or conscious consent to anyone to create (register/keep – so-called "archive" records) the so-called "official (identification and registration) state and church documents and certificates", such as the so-called "birth certificate, baptismal certificate, record of live birth (child birth report), ID card, driver's license, passport (biometric)" and any other so-called "(systemic) identity documents", or records about me, or, (more precisely named and defined in the true meaning) about my so-called "*commercial-legal fiction", such as also so-called "criminal records, medical records, health and social insurance records" and others... Also I never freely (voluntarily) decided myself, so-called "to register for permanent residence", or for so-called "temporary residence" anywhere on Earth. Also, I have never consciously and voluntarily decided that I want to be "baptized" and included (registered) in the so-called "Roman Catholic Church", as a so-called "Catholic Christian", nor to any other so-called "church" or so-called "religion". It was done and decided for me by my parents, as (or) at that time by my so-called "legal guardians", who were, in connection with these acts, as "standard" as many others – practically all the people whom this corporate slave system has forcibly-involuntarily automatically made so-called "citizens", so-called "legally" forced and brought before a ready-made and so-called "obligatory thing". They did so unknowingly, not knowing what they were doing, without my knowledge, decision and consent (after all, how could I myself, as a small, "newly" born, one- (or several-) day old or a few months old being – a baby-toddler, even think about something like that logically, let alone decide for myself, when at that time I had no concept of the world, ego, etc., given that I had just come into this world and already this "corporate slave system" had branded me as some kind of cattle), just as I (as well as my parents – the so-called "legal guardians") was coerced by force, at the time of my so-called "minority", to get the so-called "compulsory vaccinations" and other acts that were at that time so-called "compulsory". By the way, it is really fascinating (and I certainly don't mean that in a good way) and hard for anyone to come up with the kind of "scenario" that this corporate slave system has come up with: you make people so-called "persons, citizens" (as so-called "legal fictions – things, possessions of so-called "states", economic slaves", etc.), so-called “legal and economic tax subjects (taxpayers), insureds, drivers, road users, debtors, legal guardians, property owners, contractors, consumers, holders, tenants, lessees, donors, donees" etc. – in short "XY" names and titles, just not people – human beings, free beings (which they naturally and, as they say, "by the nature of things" are). For such your economic-political slaves you create "XY" never-ending lifelong so-called "legal obligations", you impose on them so-called "documents and identity cards", which they are even obliged to pay from their own money (periodically, usually as part of the renewal of such so-called "identity documents", e.g. before "expiration date"), or compulsorily pay e.g. so-called "car taxes, property taxes, eco-taxes, VAT, health and social insurance" etc. The cost of living (various so-called "fees, energy, taxes, food", etc.) of people is constantly increasing – disproportionately to their so-called "salaries/earnings" they receive/earn from/by their so-called "employers" or from so-called "business". Most of the time, it is (as if) "to blame" some so-called "crisis" – whether it is currently, for example, the so-called "Covid-19 pandemic", or the so-called "war in Ukraine", etc., well, of course, it is never you “to blame... What kind of air we are forced to breathe, what kind of so-called "food" we are forced to consume, what kind of water we are forced to drink, what kind of environment we are forced to live in – I will discuss all these issues in the next "Items", listed below. The standard of living of people in general – globally is slowly but surely deteriorating, and with all this, as well as with many other "measures" from your side and from the side of all so-called "governments" (corporations) in the world, you are putting people into such living conditions, that their gradual extinction is taking place – i.e. a gradual, worldwide genocide of the population of the planet Earth (more information in connection with this is explained below – in "Item No. 4"). At the same time, you are literally making fun of people, only they don't laugh at it... Unfortunately, the vast majority of them don't even think about it, they take it as a perfectly normal, ordinary, standard "thing". They think in a way (in the sense) – "everybody does it, it's obligatory - that's what the "law" says, I can't stand out from the crowd, what would other people ("fellow citizens") think, I can't afford it, because I would immediately be sanctioned in the form of a fine, which I practically can't afford to pay and if I don't pay, I become a debtor (which, by the way, every so-called "citizen" automatically becomes immediately after his/her birth) and I get into "distraint", which, if I do not pay, they will take my property, or even convict me and I will be put “behind bars”... etc. But few people think about it, because most people find it easier and more convenient to "go with the crowd" (as they say) and ask themselves the questions "why do I have any (any) obligations to the so-called "state"? Why am I obligated (by anything) to anyone?" etc. Who have we actually hurt as inhabitants of this planet, for what reason do you punish us like this all our lives and practically from the first day of our birth, when we are unconsciously, against our own free will and against our own decision, thrown into the system, you tell us what we are obliged to do, what we can and cannot do, what we must do, what we must think, how we should and must live, what (what– literally poisons) we should consume, what (contaminated) air we should breathe, why we are "obliged" and forced against our free will to be irradiated with various – currently (not only) e.g. so-called "5G networks" etc.? By what right do you do this, who are you anyway, that you consider yourselves as someone/something more, as the lords and owners of this Earth, including its inhabitants, as someone who can ("has the so-called right to") decide about the lives of others, against their (our) own free will...? This has no argument or excuse. Isn't this the real true slave system? This is what you think freedom is – is this really how you imagine it, are you serious? And if we accidentally disobey, this "free and just" system will punish us even more, so that we, ourselves and others, know where our place is and what will happen to us/us if we/will accidentally want to resist this slave system – to be rebellious or, heaven forbid, truly free. Well..., I guess we all have slightly different ideas of what "freedom" is and looks like... So don't tell us that we are free, because we most certainly are not, and tell the whole world what we have done in the past (that we are not aware of – we are not aware of it) and for what specifically (for what reason) we are constantly punished by this corporate slave system – from the first day of our birth, until our physical death, constantly subjected to someone and "obliged" by something all our lives.

As for the forced, so-called "compulsory school attendance" and wasting several years of my life, walking with a heavy, bulky "school bag" on my back, which, full of textbooks, is slowly half (50%) the weight of a small "pupil", who has to carry it twice a day from home to school and from school to home, and sitting on hard, flat wooden chairs for several hours a day, 5 days a week (these activities probably do not add much to a person's health), listening to the nonsense that they "fed" me (and of course not only me, but also others) and thus tried (in vain) to shape me and (unsuccessfully) program my thinking in order to raise me to be an "obedient slave of the system", learning the alleged so-called "history" and other so-called "interesting true facts and reliable information", which, in part or in whole (as even in some cases, time has shown and continuously, from time to time, more and more evidence has come to light, which only confirms it), happened differently than we were told, or even did not happen at all, information that we had to learn forcibly, compulsorily – against our will, even though many of us were absolutely not interested in it, and every single "endless - never-ending day" spent forcibly-involuntarily and compulsorily, sitting behind the "school desk", was an ordeal for many of us, information from which we were tested by the so-called "great authorities – the respected teachers", to whom we all the so-called “pupils and students” had to listen to the word – in short, information that I (of course, not only I, but also others) had been forcibly “beaten” into my head, from which I had during my whole life – from the so-called "school” up to the present time I have used the absolute minimum and 99% of what I was forced involuntarily, by constant repetition (so-called "memorisation") to memorize as such a "machine" (in a machine manner) so-called "learn", I will probably never use it and the threats and scares that I had to experience that if I do not finish the so-called "school", I will never be anything in my life and I will only work as a "garbage man", the curses, stresses and punishments for the so-called "school". The "bad grades", the exaltation and examples (comparisons) of other children who had "better" grades – how much more intelligent and capable they were compared to me, the constant undermining of my (children's) self-esteem, the taunts – even from some teachers, etc. – it's not even worth dealing with in detail. Reading, writing and arithmetic, which are practically the only main things I remember from school, because I went there with "great enthusiasm" (ironically, of course), I could learn at home in a fraction of the time I spent in the so-called "school". And to make sure that these duties were not too few and that the time spent in the so-called "school" did not end, we had to do mandatory "homework" at home. It is clear to me that it is important for this slave system to educate people from a young age to become as obedient as possible to the system – obedient to the so-called "citizen" (or rather "sheeple"), who from his/her young – early age of his/her life must clearly understand that he/she is always subordinate to someone in this world, that he/she always has someone above hi/her – some authority that is "more reasonable, more powerful and is simply something "more" than he/she is, to learn, in short, that he/she has some duties throughout his/her life and must act and think as he/she is commanded (ordered) and decided for him/her by someone else. The lost, wasted time (not only of my childhood), which I could have spent much more meaningfully, and the undermined physical and, more or less, automatically and logically connected with it, psychological health, will hardly be returned to me, or somehow compensated. Although... who knows what else life will bring. So far, it has brought me mostly worries and troubles, but maybe it will turn around, a turning point will come and everything will turn for the better like in a fairy tale. After all, as they say, hope dies last. And I will do my best in the fight for (not only) my freedom, both mentally and physically, throughout my life. Be aware of this...

*(notes – explanations):

- The terms "*natural law / law of the land/earth", "*(commercial) legal fiction", "*admiralty jurisdiction – maritime (ship/sea) law" (or / to be understood as "*unfree anti-human corporate slave system", or also "corporate commercial law"), as well as other (not only) so-called "legal terms", meanings and contexts, are explained in the attached (additional) "Attachment No. 2" – in "Item 12" - of this letter

  • "*citizen" – can be translated/e.g. in Old Slavonic means – "slave of political influences" ("slave of the political system"). For example, the so-called "Black's Law Dictionary" defines the term "citizen" as follows: "A citizen is a person who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, subject to the duties and all the rights of citizenship of that community." "Citizens are members of a political community who, in a social contract, submit themselves to the direction of an established government for the advancement of the general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as their collective rights."

  • "*resp." – means (and hereinafter to be understood as): "as the case may be"

Item No. 2 (the so-called “Interpol, police, politics, laws, freedom, democracy, law…”):

Regarding the above-mentioned so-called "compulsory school attendance", in connection with it I was being looked for by the so-called "Interpol" (which I did not even know about), on the basis of an order issued for my detention by the so-called "Slovak police", which put me and my loved ones in a (to put it mildly) very unpleasant situation and caused me and my loved ones considerable health problems, mainly due to the psychological pressure and terror from the so-called "police, prosecutor and court". The reason was that my, at that time so-called "minor" son, of whom I was at that time the only so-called "legal guardian", had not completed the above-mentioned so-called "compulsory school attendance" (there was about 1.5 months (6 weeks) left until the end of the so-called "school year") and I, by "neglecting" this so-called "compulsory school attendance", I had, according to the words and statements of the so-called "police, prosecutor and judge", allegedly kidnapped (from myself) – MY OWN SON (I would have laughed at this, but it is more for crying or for another reaction, but certainly not for laughing...) and thus, according to the so-called "Slovak Criminal Code", I had "committed a criminal offence", namely on the basis of the so-called "Act No. 300/2005 (the Criminal Code) Section 211 – that is: the so-called "Endangering the moral education of youth". Here is an excerpt – the so-called "Definition" of this so-called "law":

"(1) Anyone, who even through negligence, exposes a person under the age of eighteen to the danger of moral corruption by

  1. tempting them to live a *idle or *immoral life,

  2. *allows him/her to lead an idle or immoral life,

  3. *allows him/her to commit acts that are criminal offences under this Act,

  4. *allows him/her to commit acts that are misdemeanours under specific laws or

  5. prevents her from attending compulsory school, he/she will be punished with *imprisonment for up to two years."

I *emphasize the words and phrases "*idle" (or) "*immoral life" and "*danger of moral corruption". It is very interesting, even "fascinating", what – on the basis of the expressions used in this particular example – creative imagination and fantasy must abound in the persons who have such slave anti-human so-called "laws" they create, for the purpose of maximum control, domination, mastery, even (gradual) destruction of innocent and conscious people, who, by their behaviour, opinions, and way of life, do not actually harm anyone, but only refuse to submit to this "unfree mafia slave anti-human corporate system", which constantly, all their lives, from their birth, until their physical death, dictates to them what they must – must, can, and cannot do, how they must live. By the way, if my son, for whatever reason, decides that he wants to complete his so-called "compulsory schooling" and possibly continue his studies at a so-called "secondary school" and possibly further, at a so-called "university", etc., I would certainly not prevent him from doing so, as stated in the above "definition", from the above so-called "Penal Code", in paragraph (line) of letter "e)". Regarding the paragraph/letter "*b", "*c" and "*d", in the "definition" of the above so-called "law", I will add my remark to it: so I am so-called "obliged" to "educate" and possibly "punish" my son according to this so-called "law", because this is what this slave system corporate so-called "law" obliges me to do. Yes, if I am not truly free and I am in fact a slave to this system and my son is not actually mine (I don't mean that I own him), but in fact he "belongs" to this slave corporate system that takes him as its "property – a delivered good", then it makes sense. I can't actually afford to tell him my opinion on that, or anything else in this life, on the basis of which he would make his own judgement and in time, especially the older he gets, the more independent he will/should be and the more he should have the right, based on his own free will and discretion, to make decisions about his own life and act accordingly. As for the last sentence in the "definition" of the so-called "law" quoted above, "shall be punished by imprisonment (deprived of freedom) for up to two years" – to the word "*freedom" I would just add "the rest of the so-called "freedom". For the above reason, a so-called "court decision – judgment" was issued, which I also did not know about – I found out about it afterwards when I received a so-called "criminal warrant" in the territory of the so-called "Croatia", where I was at that time staying for a longer period of time, on the basis of which I was "sentenced" to half a year (6 months) of so-called imprisonment (deprived of freedom), but, because I (was) so-called "impeccable" (never previously "punished"), instead of the so-called imprisonment (deprived of freedom) I was "only" imposed by the so-called "court" a so-called "probation" for 1 year (12 months). This whole decision was made without my presence and without my comment, it was just delivered (announced) to me as a "fait accompli". I'm asking who I kidnapped my own son from - myself??? Or rather, from this "slave corporate system", because my son is in fact "owned" in practice by this slave system, as such some, aforementioned "thing, stock, commodity", or "security, property, tax entity, debtor", or "commodity or number"? For he, like me, is not actually considered a free living human being by this unfree corporate slave system, but is perceived and treated by this system as just a "number" – one of many billions of other "numbers" in this "slave system", in this "prison" called "planet Earth". On the basis of the aforementioned accusation, I was thrown and locked like such a mangy dog, or some so-called "criminal terrorist" behind bars, in a filthy dirty and cold cell, which I would not do even to the dog, because it is also a living being, just like me and does not deserve such behaviour, unlike those who issued and executed such orders, or invented, approved, etc. This happened on the territory of the so-called "state" (or, corporation) called "Croatia" (in their language – the original name "Hrvatska"), when I of my own accord went to the so-called "Croatian police" to file a so-called "criminal complaint" against persons who were committing so-called "criminal activities" and thus harming my, at that time so-called "minor" son. Instead of immediately and urgently starting to solve my son's case, they arrested me and did not deal with the situation with my son, which had to be solved immediately, even more so, because of the constant, very serious and gross misconduct on the part of the so-called “Croatian law enforcement authorities” repeated again and again (which I will not mention in detail here, both for the sake of my son's privacy and also in order to reduce the length of this letter as much as possible), made things even more complicated and he was harmed even more – so that in the final result it turned out even worse than it was before my arrival at the so-called "police", in the good faith that the situation would be resolved in an "official and legal" manner. Instead, the so-called "police" and, in general, this whole "slave system" dealt with me – an innocent person who had not harmed anyone, instead of "dealing with, properly investigating and justly condemning (punishing)" the real culprits according to your so-called "laws", thus my, at that time, so-called "minor" son continued to suffer, who witnessed all this, was subsequently transported and placed, against my will and his own consent, in various places for so-called "minors", where older "more experienced" children taught him, for example, how to smoke, what kinds of so-called "drugs" we know, including how these drugs are sold – so-called "dealing"!!! This was not the only result of the work of the so-called "Croatian state authorities". This is how they "helped" my son and me and (not only) in this way (and more than once) they humiliated me in front of my loved ones, as well as other people who were present and witnessed the situation at that time (including my so-called "minor" son stressed by the so-called "police officers and social workers”). Furthermore, the so-called "police officers and criminal investigators" transported me from place to place, weighed me (my weight), measured and photographed me, took my fingerprints, etc. – in short, they treated me in a very undignified, humiliating way. And the claim, e.g. by the so-called "police", that "we are "just" doing our job" is an "argument" only for (to put it politely) fools. Even the so-called "soldier" also "just" does and performs his/her "job" and on the basis of this "just doing his job" he/she kills innocent people in the name of so-called "justice" and so-called "peace", because every so-called "soldier", no matter what "side" he/she is on, is "of course clearly the one" who is always on the so-called "right side" and does it for the so-called "right cause", but innocent people always suffer first and foremost (or only) for such cruel dirty "idiotic" "political games" not only of the so-called "world powers". And this case with the so-called "police" did not happen "just" once. The second (I mean the next – or rather, it was even the third) time it was for a different reason – this time the so-called "Croatian police" were looking for me, and I was repeatedly humiliated in front of my closest friends and strangers who were (partly) witnesses. I was "detained" at night, when crossing the so-called "state border", during the so-called "border control", even though I had (as always) done absolutely nothing wrong and harmed no one, and the so-called "police investigators" even knew about it, because the next day after my so-called "interrogation", they told me so the next day, after they had taken the trouble to come and start "interrogating" me sometime in the afternoon after another "wonderful" night spent in a filthy, dirty and cold "cell". In their words, they "just" needed to "interrogate" me. Although I had been staying in one place for a long time and the "locals", including the so-called "police", knew very well where they could find me, if necessary, on that particular small island, in the small village where I and my girlfriend (partner) had been staying and living for a long time, but apparently it was not enough for them and it was probably not possible for them, for some reason unknown to me, to simply tell me that they needed to sa-called "interrogate" me and agree to meet me in a human manner – "certainly" it was not possible in any other way and it was "necessary" on their part to deal with me in this way, as they resorted to the aforementioned mafia practices. My girlfriend (partner) was left all alone and alone again – at night, in a so-called "abroad", in a foreign country, when in great stress she got off the bus (with which we were travelling together that day, resp. at night), at the nearest stop in another country, she had to return and without experience (resp. with little previous experience, as the scenario was similar to before) and not very good knowledge of foreign languages, she went all alone to deal with and find out what was happening again, trying to get me out of "detention" as soon as possible - the so-called "freedom". Bravo, I applaud such so-called "freedom”, law, justice and democracy". I don't want to imagine what would happen if we didn't have this so-called "freedom, justice, democracy" and this so-called "right to live in dignity". This is how I did not know in the "pre-trial detention cell" what would happen to me, in the cold, in the dirt – in unsanitary conditions and with a "tight stomach" – with stomach cramps caused by this stressful situation, thinking constantly not so much about myself, but mainly about my loved ones, once again, as in the previous case, waiting "with great dignity" (there could not have been more "dignity") to see who and how would decide my fate, my future – my own life and thus, in fact, the lives of my loved ones who were immediately affected. This is what I get for wanting to live more naturally and peacefully and teach my son practical things for life, instead of the mandatory "brainwashing" that so-called "school" would give him. This is the reality of our beautiful so-called "free, democratic and legal" country – either you obey the so-called "law" or you will be punished accordingly. They stopped me (not only) at the so-called "state border" several times, even by "mistake", according to their words, because they "forgot" (and not once) to delete the information from the so-called "international search system" that I was no longer wanted...

I'm asking: WHO will adequately compensate me and my loved ones, who are directly affected and concerned, for the lost time, the considerable stress, the probably irreparable health problems, the tarnishing of my name and, last but not least, the considerable financial damage caused by this behaviour of the so-called "state authorities, institutions and organisations"? I'd like an answer to that.

At the end of this Item, I cannot fail to mention (again in connection with my son, I will try to be as brief as possible) a so-called "Croatian lawyer", who was recommended to me by the staff of the so-called "Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Zagreb – in Croatia", whose full details, copied exactly as they are in his email signature, I am pasting here, so that the whole world would be clear, who, if necessary, they should definitely, even by mistake, not address, if they do not want to be robbed by this so-called "lawyer" (or, thief – swindler), just like me:

ALEKSANDAR JAKIĆ, Odvjetnik/Attorney at law/Rechtsanwalt, Frane Petrića 2/III, HR – 10 000 Zagreb, *t l +385 1 48 28 794, *f l +385 1 48 28 688, *ml +385 99 25 00 205, *el JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING (*mistakes in his email signature (*t l, *f l, *ml, *el) are probably meant to mean: tel., fax, email...)


This so-called "lawyer" robbed me of my hard-earned money, even though I, unlike him, fulfilled 100% of the obligations we mutually agreed upon at the beginning of our "cooperation". Immediately and without haggling I paid him the amount he requested for his services by transfer from my bank account, as well as I very quickly – first electronically and then in writing (signed by me) delivered and sent him all the documentation he asked for. Unlike me, he failed to fulfil his obligations, which we clearly agreed on at the beginning, just as the entire so-called "Croatian Bar Association" failed to fulfil theirs when I also, as part of my complaint against this so-called "lawyer", supplied them with everything they asked me to do – which took up a lot of my precious time and my precious life energy. I have, of course, clear evidence for all my claims, as well as for anything else mentioned in this letter, in the form of email communications with this so-called "lawyer", as well as with the so-called "Croatian Bar Association". It is clear to me that I will probably not see any sanctions against this so-called "lawyer" and this so-called "Croatian Bar Association", as well as the return of my stolen money (with interest, of course), but I will not forgive myself to publish it on this occasion, to their great worldwide shame and also so that as many people in the world as possible (not only in the so-called "Croatia") would see it and get an idea, also on the basis of this case, what kind of mafiosi they really are, who cover for each other, do not fulfil their duties and steal from innocent people, as is common in this "just, democratic and legal" system. The above-mentioned email communication, as clear evidence, along with other documents and information, in connection with this entire letter of mine, is posted on my website "vabanque.info", as well as all other information and documents, translated into multiple languages, which I created for the sole purpose of sharing this work of mine worldwide. By the way, in this above-mentioned case, it was also about my son, where we dealt with the constant violation of his and our (me and my girlfriend's) rights by the persons where my son was staying at the time, where constantly, in a very serious and rude way, my son's and our privacy was interfered with, in connection with your so-called “Data Protection Act - GDPR”, when they took away his own mobile phone, where they read our private communications (mine, my girlfriend's and my son's) without shame, and forced him to translate the whole of it for them – from Slovak to Croatian, so that they could understand everything. I think that sooner or later it will be the turn of all these people who had and have anything to do with this... In conclusion, I will just point out that I have not yet found (and I'm not even looking anymore, because I've somehow run out of patience and I've understood that it's most likely not even relevant) the so-called "lawyer" who would be willing to represent me in this matter, even though I have clear, 100% evidence that I am fully in the right, which none , several hundred ones addressed by me, nor of the – currently (at the time of writing this my letter) temporarily cooperating with me so-called "attorneys" was not interested in what I have evidence for in this case as well – in almost 100% of cases (unless it was discussed with the so-called "attorney" in question on the spot in his office) in the form of (not only) email communication. The reason was, for example, that the so-called "attorney" did not want to go against another so-called "fellow attorney", despite fraudulent conduct on his part. Let everyone make up their own minds about that, too.

Item No. 3 (so-called "government employees, justice" and "my so-called 'consents and signatures', the so-called 'pandemic, war' and its rejection):

Returning to the above-mentioned problems on the part of the so-called "police" and other (not only) so-called "state authorities and institutions", I must state that this disgusting, perverse, anti-human, unjust mafia corporate slave system, uses for its operation and protection the most unintelligent and insensitive people, who (in the vast majority of cases) only know – what they do best – is to obey the orders of their so-called "superordinates". Honour the exceptions who, sooner or later, realize who they are actually helping and protecting and abandon it, even though they are "support" their family (which they like to use to defend their actions – it's such a non-admission of the truth and their guilt), as well as others (and do not necessarily to so-called "work" – or be "slaves" in the ranks of the so-called "police"), but they are not such a waste of society that they continue to do so at the expense of innocent people, whom, including their loved ones, they hurt quite fundamentally in this way. They might not even be able to sleep peacefully, look at themselves in the mirror, etc., it's probably not worth the price. But there are very few such people, unlike many people who do not realize who they serve and what they do, or rather do not want to realize it, or vice versa, and those (such "psychopaths", who are the "worst and most dangerous" of them all) realize it all too well and expressly enjoy it, because it makes them feel good to hurt other people (and I don't necessarily have to be a so-called "psychologist" or a so-called “psychiatrist to do be able to assess it). This is obvious and clear from their behaviour; you can even literally see it in the eyes of some aggressive individuals – it's in their gaze and they don't hide it... Maybe it's some trauma from their childhood, as they may have been bullied and now in their adulthood they take it out on other people who don't have much chance/can't defend themselves, just as they may not have been able to defend themselves in their childhood, when they may have been abused and bullied by other children and/or their own parents or so-called "educators", somewhere in a so-called "reformatory", where perhaps in their early years there may have been “placed and brought up", maybe it's in their nature itself, although on the other hand maybe some of them have had a completely "exemplary life" and have not lacked anything, maybe others have been too spoiled, maybe they have not received (enough) love from their loved ones, and maybe others really think that they are doing the right thing and "just doing their job", I don't know..., I don't want to create a so-called "psychological judgements" of these individuals, each individual involved has to (should) know for themselves. Well, whatever the root cause and whatever the reasons, nothing excuses their actions, because to work voluntarily for this "slave system" and to hurt so often really innocent people (as it was for example in my "case"), is from my point of view simply inexcusable and reprehensible. And each of them should have allegedly undergone so-called "psychological examinations (tests)" to determine whether they are able and suitable to perform such so-called "work", to carry and, if necessary, use a so-called "firearm", etc. Well, I don't know what to think about such so-called "psychological tests" if the persons who have been subjected to them have even passed them based on the results of such so-called "psychological tests". I think it is also one of the interesting examples of how this so-called 'legal, fair and democratic' system works. Recruit whoever you can into the service of the "police and army" – after all, there are never enough slaves serving to defend this corporate slave system... All of this, as well as other, much worse things, are happening – unfortunately for the truly conscious, awake, thinking and, above all, innocent people, and unfortunately, "fortunately" for this "corporate slave system", which needs such not very intelligent and sensitive people (so-called "employed" "slaves"). On the basis of (not only) these experiences of mine – the ones mentioned in this letter – I have come to the conclusion that from now on I will be forced to solve the wrongs that have happened, or if any more happen in the future, exclusively, as they say, "by my own means" – on my own, without the help of the so-called "state authorities" as I really do not want such "help" anymore, because I am not interested in me and my loved ones experiencing "hell" again, psychological (and physical) abuse, instead of a real and fair solution to my/our problems. I would like to note that I do not forget any wrongs and dirty things done to me and my loved ones, and if there is (real) justice in this world and if I have the opportunity to rectify these wrongs, injustice, arbitrariness, insolence, terrorism, fascism (or so-called "corporatocracy"), etc. – in short, the harming by these persons and corporations to me and my loved ones, I will immediately – without a second's hesitation do it and within the "law" – "an eye for an eye – a tooth for a tooth", I will naturally defend myself and my loved ones, and all wrongs and injustices – all wrong deeds done against me and my loved ones, will be justly returned, with interest, to all persons and corporations that have anything to do with this. But this time you will not decide what is right, legal and just (the "corporate slave system" – your so-called "jurisdiction"), but I will decide exclusively for myself and my loved ones who are directly affected by this and any other injustice and harm and who have been (or "God forbid" will be) repeatedly harmed in the future. This is what I officially and publicly declare here, and I swear that if the opportunity arises, it will happen. It is just my reaction, the reaction of a desperate man, to an action carried out by the "slave system" against me and my loved ones. If justice does not exist in reality and will not be done, in that case, from the position of an innocent man who does nothing but naturally defend the liberty and health of himself and his loved ones from cruelty, injustice and slavery, I have no choice but to "take it into my own hands" as a last resort and emergency solution. And you can interpret these words of mine however you want, it will be again only your opinion, which you are entitled to (and that's the end of it from your side in relation to me), just like anyone else., right... To continue with examples, what I never freely decided myself and what I never voluntarily gave my consent to anyone – I never voluntarily decided to become a so-called "tax entity" and to obey the laws of the so-called "state" in which I was born, nor the laws (e.g. paying so-called "income taxes, VAT, health, social security, pension insurance", etc. – or, as I call it in the true words and meaning, in fact paying so-called "ransom") of any other so-called "state, kingdom, duchy", or any other country in the world.


I have never chosen, based on my own free decision, to recognize any (whatsoever) so-called "authority" and so-called "jurisdiction" in the world as someone who is supposedly something more than I am, as someone who has so-called "right" to order me anything and to interfere in any way with my own life from a position of power, from a position of some self-proclaimed so-called "authority" and to interfere in any way with my natural rights as a human being, to which I have an inalienable right, just like anyone else on this planet. I have never identified with any of the above, and would never knowingly and willingly grant anyone my consent to any of the above. I could go on like this forever. In short, anything that I have agreed to and signed officially or unofficially in token of this, including anything that my parents, or so-called "legal guardians", have signed and agreed to on my behalf at the time I was a so-called "minor", by this letter and the statements made therein, I HEREBY, WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT, OFFICIALLY CANCEL, REJECT, PROHIBIT AND DECLARE VOID, including all (any) existing so-called "contracts" that I have ever entered into with anyone, because every single (any) existing signature and agreement of mine to anything, from my birth until now, with the exception of my own free expressions, affidavits and opinions in this letter, has ALWAYS been made "on my part" under psychological or even physical coercion and threats from the so-called "government authorities", under threat of punishment. I have ALWAYS done so knowing that it is so necessary, that I have no other choice and that it is mandatory, otherwise if I disobey, I will always be punished in some way. NO ONE has EVER asked me in my life if I agree to this, I've just ALWAYS been told that I MUST sign and my signature is supposed to be my knowing and voluntary consent...? NO, my signature certainly has NEVER meant and does not mean my consent, and no signature of mine will NEVER mean my consent if this continues as it has been and I am forced to do all these and other things (signatures, actions, deeds) as I have mentioned in previous lines. From "my part" this has ALWAYS been true and still is true, both in the past and present, and will continue to be true in this case – into the future, and if I have no choice but to continue to be forced to sign anything against my own will, I will henceforth, as a sign that I am doing it by force – out of coercion, that I have virtually no choice, etc., always (as long as it is possible and I will not be deliberately prevented even from this act of mine, from signing anything), in connection with my so-called "signature" (or, my "autograph" to my name and/or (possibly instead of) the so-called "signature" (or, "autograph") attribute – *UCC 1-308 "All rights reserved", which means the following: "I reserve the right not to be compelled to perform any agreement or contract that I have not knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally entered into. I do not accept liability for the induced benefit of any undisclosed contract or commercial agreement."


I hereby officially notify you, as well as anyone else (or any other person) in the world, who would like to order me anything from the position of some self-proclaimed superior (although by people in general - more or less recognized) so-called "authority", or so-called "jurisdiction" under the threat of so-called "imposition of (financial) fines", taking (taking away) any of my property, depriving me of my so-called "freedom" (by placing me in a so-called "prison"), or killing (e.g. in the case of the so-called "death penalty" in a country where it is "legally valid"), or in any other way restrain, punish, sanction and harm me and/or my loved ones by means of psychological and/or physical pressure and torture (terror), that I fundamentally reject such actions, I do not agree with them, no one has the right to such actions towards me and I will defend myself naturally and appropriately within my capabilities and abilities. I expressly PROHIBIT anyone in the world who would like to act in this way towards me and/or my loved ones, whether it is based on his/her own decision, or on the order of his/her direct or indirect superordinate (the so-called "employer – higher authority"), who will be equally responsible for this as anyone else who has directly carried out such an order issued by someone else. I make no distinction between the so-called "most ordinary common police officer, police president, prosecutor, judge of a district, constitutional, supreme, commercial, international, criminal court", or e.g. "the European Court of Human Rights, a private soldier – a foot soldier, a general, a prime minister, a king, a president, a pope, a politician, a minister, a civil servant, an ombudsman" etc., nor anyone else who "controls" such persons and corporations... I also declare that I expressly refuse to participate and in any way be directly or indirectly involved in the so-called "general mobilization, conscription, emergency martial law, martial law", etc., whether in the current so-called "military conflict" "Russia – Ukraine, Russia – USA", or in any other so-called "military conflict" that has ever occurred on this planet, or possibly is yet to occur, whatever it may be, even an alien attack (if, for example, there is a so-called "operation" – "False Flag Attack"). I am a peaceful being, but in the event of an attack on me – an attack on me and/or my loved ones (by whomever and in whatever manner), I will, of course, within my capabilities and abilities, defend myself and them appropriately – and this solely on the basis of my own free voluntary decision, certainly not on the basis of the decision and order (command) of someone (anyone) other than myself. I have never been involved, nor will I be involved in any so-called "military conflict". I refuse and will not be a "useful idiot" to someone (anyone) who finds it convenient, to be a pawn in such a cruel "game", a clown – a so-called "soldier" who will die for the interests of others – psychopathic sociopathic murderers of people (so-called "legally" called: "fighting and dying for their country"), who themselves will never go anywhere to fight and die, of course, and will not, because their role is different – i.e. to give orders to their subordinates and to publicly act as so-called "elected representatives of the people", but in reality as "actors" e.g. (mainly) in the so-called "media", performing their task (their role), based on a script prepared (long enough in advance). I undoubtedly and definitely REJECT such violence; I do not agree with it and I will never voluntarily or involuntarily – against my will – take part in it and in any way get involved and interested in it. To this above-mentioned so-called "military conflict", whether it is "just" a "theatre", which, including e.g.:

the so-called "Covid-19 pandemic", where (not only) mainly in the beginning of the outbreak and causing mass hysteria of the population of the whole world, at a time when all people around the world were constantly forced to suffocate in so-called "protective equipment" (so-called "masks, respirators", etc.), put on our respiratory system (nose and mouth), inhaling – instead of "fresh" air (oxygen), our own exhaled gases – the so-called "carbon dioxide (CO2)" (to which I have to point out that I am just waiting for when they will start forcing us, in the framework of the fake "ecological rescue of the planet" – in reality (which is also a commonly used term among many people around the world) – the so-called "ECO-fascism", or also the so-called "ECO-terrorism", which is part of another – long in advance prepared scenario, excuse me, "eating your own excrement" – I really wouldn't be surprised), so-called "acknowledged experts” were given space in the selected so-called "mainstream media", who have been continuously causing panic for a long time, "threatening" and scaring the public that there will be "piles of corpses" everywhere on the streets and freezers and mass graves are already prepared for the victims of this so-called "horrific deadly virus", which was regularly presented to us, as well as other things presented (shown – projected as other "theatrical scenes") by the so-called mind-creating "mainstream media" (on "TV and on the Internet"), which constantly spread only "disinformation", mainly to scare, divide and thus much easier to control (manipulate) people, but in the end (over time) it turned out that it was not the so-called "Covid-19 virus" itself, artificially created in the laboratory, which was so very "deadly", but the so-called "vaccine" itself, which was not (is not) there because of the so-called "Covid-19 virus", but the was (is) there because of the so-called "vaccines", was and is in fact (at least for certain people) a "lethal cocktail", or possibly a device called "lung ventilator", where (based on the statistics) after connecting to it the death of the patient was already almost certain (highly probable), or other, constantly ongoing "horrible scenarios", which are more and more numerous lately and are getting more and more severe (and something tells me that it will not end so soon ("miraculously"), is it supposed to cause panic and fear in people and is it created in order to achieve a predetermined goal set by those who create such "scenarios",

or is it a real risk of the so-called "third world war" (I don't know what is the pre-arranged "scenario"), which is/which is also according to the so-called "military analysts" is the "most realistic" and "closest to us" as never before, where there is a threat of the use of nuclear (nuclear) lethal weapons, the use of which would affect the whole world (we know what the concrete catastrophic consequences of this would be – I will not go into unnecessary detail here, because this letter would otherwise have no end), I have all the more right, since I do not want and refuse to be in the centre of the action of this ever-increasing risk, to choose where I will resort (although I did not invent this, as well as any other war, I did not choose and logically refuse to suffer, including my loved ones, in connection with this) and in the case of such a "model" situation mentioned above, the course and consequences of such a so-called "war" will be the same as in the case of the "model" situation, together with my loved ones, we will try, if possible, to get over and survive in the best possible "health, comfort and safety", or to move from such a place as quickly as possible, where (at least theoretically) there will be the least radioactivity and, if possible, the least nuclear winter – of course, in case such a model example of a nuclear war as mentioned above would happen, but I will certainly not wait for it, like such cattle to be slaughtered, it would be "a little" too late and I would probably not be able to do much...

*(note – explanatory note):

  • The abbreviation *"UCC" stands for the so-called "Uniform Commercial Code", which is the so-called "internationally applicable" in your so-called "jurisdiction" and the abbreviation (designation) "*UCC 1-308" is a quotation from it – an explanation of the meaning of this designation

Item No. 4 (so-called "EU regulation, WEF, Great Reset, NWO"):

I will now write in more general terms, but I will also give at least a few specific examples, in relation to what we as humans are forced to breathe, drink, eat and what we are increasingly surrounded by, despite the disapproval of many people. If I were to recount here all the specific issues and deeds that this corporate slave system has caused and is causing, this letter (as I have already mentioned) would "have no end" and I could reliably write several thick books, backed up by reams of facts and evidence, about everything else I would like to include in this letter. In addition to the facts set out below, in this "Item", I have more detailed information, as well as various related statistics, on my website, which I created primarily for the purpose of publishing (not only) all of this communication between us. If anyone who is part of this slave corporate system – your so-called "jurisdiction" dares to remove this website of mine and/or the publication of this letter of mine and everything else related to it, which of course no one has any right to do, in which case I, along with many other people around the world, will republish (reinstate) this information again in a matter of days, but this time not on one, but on several other sites, and this will go on forever – the more this information is censored, the more and more "aggressively" we will – again and again, repeatedly, in even greater quantities, and with even greater motivation – post and share it. And it will happen (even more so) without me, if someone wants to get rid of me (in any way). It will spread like a fire that is absolutely out of your control... Even if you deploy AI (artificial intelligence), you won't be able to do much about it, as there are other ways and forms of sharing, such as printed – written form, radio waves, spoken word, etc. + other ways, which I won't go into here, as I need to use the element of surprise and have something in reserve. All things considered, taking such action on our part is not really necessary, because the mere fact that it has been done by this corporate slave system would suffice as evidence, and furthermore, such a move on your part would only further confirm to the general public around the world that the words in this letter are the truth, which this slave system does not like and therefore censors. To make a long story short – in any case, this will not deter us in our next steps... A lot is said and written, various "classified" information is leaked to the public. Much of this information has been, as they say, figuratively, "swept under the carpet" or "swept off the table" by being labelled, by the system, with the very popular and still modern term "conspiracy" or "disinformation", a term often used mainly by the so-called "mass media, government and non-profit organizations" and other (figuratively speaking) "ministries of truth" that have (also figuratively speaking) a "monopoly on truth". It is more than clear for what purpose and by whom these so-called "organisations" were created, who funds them and who they actually serve – nowadays such information is quite easy to trace and the average person can get to it quite easily. If he/she also has a little bit of sense in hi/her head and can thus put "two and two" together, can read between the lines, perceives what is going on around him and in the world in general, and has at least a basic overview of the real – true and more probable history than is presented to us and presented in the so-called "media" and in the so-called "schools", he/she sees what has happened in the past, what is happening in the present, what is planned for the future and where it is going overall – in general in the whole world (on a global scale), everything is more or less clear to him/her and he/she has a clear idea and answer who is really a so-called "conspirator and disinformation agent". Every now and then (sooner or later), various such information is confirmed (it happens routinely, one can say that nowadays practically on a daily basis) and what used to be labelled as "conspiracy" and/or "disinformation" suddenly becomes a verified and unquestionable fact. This is happening without these aforementioned persons and corporations – i.e. e.g. the so-called "governments, mass media, science" and everything else that is part of this anti-human slave system, which labels many people with such "labels" today and every day, not only ordinary common people, but also real true experts, at least apologize (which in itself would not be enough, of course) and publicly admit their mistake, or that they were misleading (intentionally or unintentionally) the public – and that would be even worse, after all, a "monopoly on truth" is a "monopoly on truth".

By the way, the term (the so-called "label") "conspiracy theorist" was allegedly coined and started to be used as early as 1967 by the so-called "CIA", for the purpose of ridiculing people inconvenient to this corporate slave system. Getting such a "label" – a marking, was the "better" case, in the worst case this system locked them up and locks them up in "mental hospitals" (so-called "psychiatric hospitals"), or in so-called "prisons (correctional institutions)", or removed them and thus got rid of them definitively, once and for all... as it happened in certain (e.g., "communist") "regimes", it's coming back again, and the so-called "freedom of speech" are also just meaningless words without value, because for certain statements and opinions of the so-called "other side", which do not coincide with the so-called "mainstream media", where people with a different opinion and especially with clear evidence do not even get in, are uncompromisingly censored, constantly (in the "better" case) the videos, texts, contributions an whole websites of the so-called "other side" are deleted by the so.-called “governments” of the so-called “democratic countries”, in the worst case, these people are locked up in so-called "prisons" and the rest of their so-called "freedom" is taken away. All that I write here are facts that can be verified quite easily by basically anyone nowadays, despite censorship and the daily worries and duties of ordinary people deliberately created by this slave system to make them mentally and physically tired and with a minimum of time to devote to something else besides chasing earnings for survival. As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, what is happening is a mass genocide of all humanity – the population of planet Earth. Since I do not have as much space as I would like to address all the specific facts in this letter in detail, and even though, despite my best efforts, this letter is not as short as I had originally planned, I will list only "a few" examples – by brief name, without further elaboration. More information is on my website: "vabanque.info" and no, it is not an advertisement, I do not make any money on this, unlike others, I do not sell any courses, I do not charge anyone for access, etc. The only one who pays a lot of money for it and invests a considerable amount of his precious time and life energy into it is myself, and so far I have not seen anything from anyone for it... Here are a few examples, promised in the introduction of this "Item", very briefly presented. Regarding:


the so-called "FOOD":

- You will find a number of additives (substances) in them that are officially approved as harmless and are part of their composition, yet they have been proven to cause e.g.: cancer, choking, cardiac arrest, obesity, asthma, infertility, depression, autism, schizophrenia, "ADHD" and many other diseases and poisonings that rapidly reduce the quality of human life and/or cause various inconveniences or death in an extreme way. In the so-called "foods" (which are literally poisons for humans and animals), which are commonly sold through supermarket chains around the world, there are e.g.: cells of aborted human foetuses, ammonia, shellac (used e.g. as a wood polish), insects, together with their excrements and parasites, which is already in the so-called "EU allowed" to add graphene oxide (heavy metals in so-called "food" – e.g. (not only) so-called "Norwegian salmon" from farming - holds a magnet) etc. to all so-called "food" that we are consuming all our lives and which is presented and promoted as so-called "food of the future" (more details can be found on my web site). Another insanity is that food is routinely (if I disregard the fact that people shouldn't eat such things if they care about their physical and mental health and the overall quality of their lives) wasted in supermarket chains by throwing large amounts of food into the bin before closing time instead of giving it to people who really need it (and there are many of them all over the world).

Another example – the so-called "CHEMTRAILS", AIR, WATER, SOIL:

- many people know or at least have an idea about the (popularly named) "chemtrails" from airplanes, which emit (spray) into the atmosphere e.g. Aluminium, Arsenic, Antimony, Strontium, Thallium, Barium, Cobalt and various other chemicals, heavy alkali metals and toxic elements, which fall through the air and end up in rivers and soil and which, among other things, cause people e.g. allergies and other above-mentioned health conditions, which also caused (not only by the substances mentioned in the preceding paragraph) by substances in so-called "foods" that are approved as harmless (safe) – the so-called "safe" part of their composition. These facts were discovered by specific measurements at specific locations, e.g. by laboratory analysis of rainwater samples. In addition, there have been a number of recent reports of train derailments carrying dangerous, highly toxic chemicals that also invariably end up in water, soil and air. There have been too many such cases and suspicious "coincidences" lately... Last but not least, various factories, emitting pollutants into the air, play a role, not to mention the (ironically speaking) "beautiful" panorama they create in the surroundings. This system (figuratively speaking, the "Ministry of Truth") can of course explain it all beautifully to "uneducated people". There will always be some so-called "expert" – paid by the system and selected by the media – who knows best of all, is never wrong, of course, has the "unquestionable truth" and the more university degrees he has, the better, more professional and truthful he looks to the public. And such so-called "experts", who in the school they own and the curriculum in it is determined by this corporate slave system, which has a "monopoly on truth", on the basis of given and unquestionable tables, mathematical calculations, physical and chemical formulas, etc., learn how it actually is in reality, to explain it nicely to us, stupid and uneducated people, and thus the whole topic is unilaterally closed, because the discussion with the so-called "fools" and "uneducated non-experts – amateurs", or so-called "conspirators and disinformation agents", who "have no right" to spread their own opinion or other – different measurement results to open a public discussion, has no meaning and is not allowed. So-called "government and science" "always know best" because people are "incompetent fools". Worst of all, it's mostly, sadly, true with these fools... but the question is, who and how did what actually created them and achieved that systematically and deliberately turned them into literal (to put it politely) "fools"? The answer is for anyone who is still capable of it to figure out for themselves.

Example 3 – the so-called "HAARP":

- it is more than evident and there is plenty of evidence that shows that the weather is being deliberately manipulated to cause e.g.: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, rains, floods etc., which in turn, as always, makes innocent people suffer, who die or lose their homes, properties, health and loved ones as a result of this, these are great obstacles to human self-sufficiency, which the system does not want, because it suits it to make people as dependent on it as possible, they went to so-called "work" (doing slave work) and bought all the sh*t that is slowly but surely rapidly deteriorating their quality of life and gradually killing them..."Officially, there have been patents for controlling (manipulating) the weather since 1891, and by 2001 there were about 60 of them. More info is also in this case published (not only) on my website.

Fourth example – MISCELLANEOUS BROADCASTERS, telephone towers, etc.:

- such as the (currently) so-called "5G networks", which, like so-called "smart devices", are becoming more and more ubiquitous. The so-called "Smart" is nowadays almost everything electronic – refrigerator, dishwasher, vaporizer, air purifier, washing machine, etc. – in short, anything that can be "connected to the electrical socket (network)" has Bluetooth, microphone, camera, sensor, voice control, motion (gestures), etc. Further – electronic chips are in ATM cards, in so-called "identity documents". It is possible to pay with a so-called "mobile smart device", some people even have chips implanted under their skin so that they can pay "safely and conveniently", unlock the door of their house or apartment, etc. Many people are still unaware, or are resigned to it, of the negative impact and effect all of this has on their physical and mental health (not to mention the "quality" of these products) and that they are being electronically monitored and influenced by this, based on the frequency emissions of these technologies. We already know what the human body is composed of, that the majority – about 75% – is water and how different frequencies affect water molecules. I recommend that people reading this letter look at the research of a Japanese "doctor of alternative medicine" named Masaru Emoto – in connection with his experiments with water crystals. In terms of tracking people, the system knows where we've been, what we've done, who we've communicated with about what, and can even guess what we're planning to do next. A device that has a microphone, camera, battery, mobile network, internet access, etc., can be used at any time to the detriment of people, including through "hacking, tracking, cookies", etc. Just as a private hacker can connect to your network and devices, e.g., to steal your money or private data and then blackmail you, usually by default, to get your funds, so can he connect to, monitor and eavesdrop on people "online" – in the present tense, this slave system, which of course has been going on for a long time, through technologies that store completely all digital communications of anyone with anyone in this world. And if someone argues that such technology cannot exist, that it is unrealistic, that just storing that amount of data would take a huge unimaginable amount of digital memory, etc., I will say only one thing: I (and not only I) am of the opinion that there are classified technologies that we can only dream about. The technologies that have been made available to us, the ordinary people, are outdated... As far as surveillance is concerned, if you cross the so-called "borders" of different countries, for example, you will immediately receive a "welcome SMS" from your telephone operator, especially with instructions – currently, for example, about the so-called "Covidu-19", etc. I have noticed, and I am far from being the only one, that just by saying – not searching, via web browsers – but really just by saying certain words, phrases, names, topics in a normal private conversation at home, etc., ads related to our conversation start appearing and popping up on so-called "smart devices" (mobile phones, laptops, etc.), even though we have never searched for this anywhere on the Internet before. Of course, I also strongly disagree with such surveillance, and I have never given my free and informed consent to anyone. In what and how exactly have we actually moved forward as humanity? I see the vast majority of people who, as such "zombies", are constantly "staring" at their, modern and very popularly used by people term, used – so-called "smart devices" and thus spend the vast majority of their lives by constant irradiation, (not only) through various transmitters and modems – wifi routers, which surround us everywhere, whether we want it or not, which is certainly "harmless" for the health of people, because it is approved by the so-called "modern advanced science", through so-called "experts" who certainly know better than we do and whom we can "trust" that it has no effect on our mental and physical health, just as we consume safe, healthy and harmless food that does absolutely no harm to us, is not at all dangerous to us, toxic, etc., they have no side (negative) effects and impacts on our organism and psyche, and even on the contrary, they have a very "positive effect" on our health, because they are full of vitamins and other substances that our body needs, even though they are artificially chemically created. People are generally unaware that they are (or rather, they do not realise that they can be constantly monitored from all sides and in several ways and, as I mentioned, that every digital communication and activity is recorded because they themselves (mostly unknowingly) gave their consent, just like anything else in their lives, and it's not at all like they don't actually have a choice and are forced to do it, just like other things, based on certain, always conditional and forced "benefits" – they gave their consent, so they're actually doing it all voluntarily, right? After all, none of us had to do it and don't have to do it, people chose to do it and made that decision for themselves, right? And actually, it's true. Because they don't even realise, as I once didn't realise, that it could be different and that they could change it if they woke up and said a definite and decisive NO to it all once and for all. No need to fight anyone, just stop playing this systemic game, do what we want and not what someone (anyone) else tells us to do. So little is enough – and yet so complicated...


the constant stuffing of chemistry in various forms by force into our organism, starting from our birth, in the form of various so-called "compulsory vaccinations", when parents of children are forced by the so-called "law" to do this on their offspring, just as our parents were forced to do this on us, through various chemical so-called "medicines, supplements and foods", which are a novelty for the last 100 years or so, because pure nature, which has been used for thousands of years, is only an "alternative" according to this system, presented through so-called "science", and is obviously imperfect and insufficient, it is "necessary" for the proper development, functioning and health of the young child, as well as the adult, to constantly consume and stuff various chemical substances into our bodies by force, against nature and naturalness. Not to mention the whole "Covid agenda and circus" (not only) with the so-called "vaccination" associated with it, where nowadays we see many cases where people immediately or shortly after the administration (receipt) of the so-called "vaccine" against the so-called "Covid-19" report adverse effects, severe permanent consequences (in various forms) or we see cases of sudden death, often of publicly (media) known people – even live, when various athletes, presenters, even politicians collapse and die directly on TV screens. The statistics are clear. Often these are relatively healthy people of young or so-called "prime productive" age, not including children, who have died suddenly and are still dying, and the cause of death is very often officially allegedly "unknown". The so-called "medical report" often reads - "died suddenly..." But this is certainly not related to the so-called "vaccination" – it is "absolutely safe and has no side effects", death not excluded... By the way, who doesn't know it yet, NOBODY is responsible for the safety of these so-called "vaccines", including their manufacturers themselves. And to make matters worse, the so-called "mRNA" substances are already being stuffed everywhere – into meat, milk, vegetables, fruit... "Congratulations" to this system – to you (whoever it concerns), destroying human lives and killing people is going "well". In a so-called "school" you would get the best possible grade for that.


- on this topic, I will take the liberty of using an abbreviated part of a quote from a certain source that sums it up nicely:

"...there is ZERO evidence of a climate crisis caused by man-made carbon emissions or emissions of "greenhouse" gases.

There are no weather phenomena that are out of the ordinary in terms of the Earth's historical climate timeline. There is no evidence to support the "tipping point" theory of temperatures. And the Earth's temperatures have risen less than 1°C in 100 years. The official temperature record goes back to the 1880s, and this narrow timeline is what UN and government funded climate scientists use as a reference point for their claims. The point is that the UN has been promoting hysteria over a fake doomsday climate scenario, just as the WEF and WHO have promoted hysteria and fear over a threat like covid. And it all started in the early 1970s with a UN-linked group called the Club of Rome."

Example 7 – DIGITAL CURRENCY (so-called "CBDC"):

- which of course is and will be increasingly presented by the system as a great advantage, security and comfort for the people (so much "good and benefits" for us ordinary people – after all, the system always does everything actually for us – "for our own good and security"...), but in reality it is part of the 100% control of the world's population, on the basis of which the people can only buy it, in such limited quantities and only when this slave corporate system allows it. Anyone who does not behave "appropriately", in the way that is right and given by the system, will be punished accordingly. And when everyone will have the same ration and there will be no more differences between ordinary people, it will be difficult to help such an individual, because even if he wants to, it will not be possible from his side, the system simply will not allow such a thing. And one person won't have more than another – the system will allocate funds "fairly" for all anyway... But I won't go into that here either, that's the future and only time will tell if it happens. Well, just so it doesn't happen sooner than we think...

Examples of other perversions (also in short):

- the so-called "LGBT" imposition, so-called "transhumanism, Gender" ideology, dozens of genders, etc., these are presented everywhere by this slave system more and more aggressively and forcefully stuffed into people's heads and especially into the heads of children, who are shaped by this in their thinking, shaped by their opinion – the "only correct" view of life, so that they take these things as completely normal and natural and on this basis they begin to behave. This turns them into something unnatural, not long ago such behaviour would have been considered a so-called "mental disorder". What will arise, for example, if there will be an increasing number of people of the same sex who (logically) cannot have their own children and will want to "acquire" them somewhere – e.g. so-called "adopt" them? We can see what laws are already being passed, or have already been passed, in some so-called "states" where, for example, the so-called "state" "has the right" to take parents away from their own children if the parents do not agree to change the sex of their children. And here we go again, parents don't really have a right to their own children because they are owned by, for example, the so-called "state", which is really a so-called "corporation". In such a way, the more people with such orientation will increase, the less and less children will be born naturally. If you don't have anyone to take them from, you will probably "produce and grow" those children with genetics "suitable" for the system in laboratories – in test tubes, through artificial insemination, etc., right? And hasn't this been going on for a long time...? One more minor remark: as far as the dozens of genders, sexual orientation, etc. are concerned, let everyone do what they want – it's their business, but if someone starts to unnaturally forcefully impose it on me at every step and force it into my head, against my own will, and force me to even behave and express myself accordingly, and to comply with the so-called "laws" related to it, under threat of punishment in case of non-compliance – non-adaptation, that's another matter. Well, by the above actions, this system is trying to create a new mindset – the mentality of a new generation, and that is the main problem. And again – if people with common sense refuse to comply, the so-called "force of law" will come into play in this "free world" and they will be duly and, of course, as always, "justly" punished for their disobedience. I see that everything is done very thoughtfully and the scenario is prepared years or decades in advance. Everything is happening slowly but surely, step by step, so that few people have a chance to notice, and so that people get used to things that, if they had come suddenly, would probably not have passed through this system some time ago, but when they come gradually, people take them for granted and normal, even right. Honour to exceptions – you will probably never control 100% of the human population with your manipulative practices, but you certainly count on that too and you have a future planned for such people – their "destiny". Rebellious people – the so-called "rebels and non-conformists" in the so-called "New World Order" have no place in the artificially created new "society" system... If we take all these things that are already happening in the present time and put them together – poisonous food, contaminated air, water and soil, dangerous so-called "vaccination", all these, as well as other issues causing a number of very serious health problems, such as infertility, suffocation, cardiac arrest, cancer and others, so-called "Gender" ideology and so-called "LGBT" agenda, war conflicts, artificially induced natural disasters of various kinds, depression, poverty and the overall declining level of mental and physical health of the population of planet Earth, resulting in, among other things, a number of suicides, or crime out of desperation of people who have hit rock bottom and do not know how to get out of it all, etc., so the question arises – is not all this, as well as other systemic practices, part of the plan to reduce the human population worldwide, from the current 8 billion to about 500,000, which certain public figures have been talking about for some time? I am only basing this on the public statements of these persons, who know what they are planning and what they are discussing among themselves and with their superordinates outside the media space. These "people" (I don't even know if they even deserve such a name based on their thinking and actions – if they are real and true people at all) don't even hide much of what they are planning anymore – it's as if they are slowly preparing us all for it. Obviously, they can afford it, because the vast majority of people don't really understand it, or rather don't want to understand it, not to mention satanic rituals, handing children over to homosexuals like in the marketplace, or other far worse things that are not talked about so much in public anymore. I will only mention child labour, child trafficking and the worst – torture, physical abuse, sexual abuse and murder of young children, often in connection with satanic rituals associated with the acquisition of so-called "adrenochrome" – a hormone secreted from the adrenal glands of young children during excessive extreme stress (especially when the child feels that he is going to die...), and this is increasingly being discussed, and has safely found and has long had its regular customers, among the rich and influential. In relation to this matter, there are testimonies from witnesses who even directly witnessed this inexcusable act first hand, including young children who were directly involved and who were "lucky" that they somehow escaped and survived (if you don't count their lifelong trauma associated with this "experience"). In the last year alone, tens of thousands of young children in many countries" are reported missing in each country, adding up to hundreds of thousands of missing children per year. This is one of the worst abuses, for which those who have anything to do with this deserve the highest possible punishment, such that they can experience for themselves what these children, their parents, their parents' loved ones, etc., feel and experience. This world is simply one big perversion. For those who really want and are interested, the information and evidence is relatively easy to find. Well, of course, from the side of this corporate slave system, in reality, it will certainly all be different, as always – there is no such thing happening at all, none of it exists, of course, and every time it will be nothing but so-called "disinformation and conspiracies" that are pointless to even address. Everything we see and hear is not actually so and is just our so-called "wild vivid imagination – fantasy, mental illness, delusions, alarmist false news" etc., or the one has absolutely nothing to do with the other, and I, independently, together with a large number of others, both ordinary people and experts with a lifetime of experience in specific fields on these, as well as other various topics around the world (true experts, scientists, doctors, healers, etc.), who speak about it, often have in their hands clear evidence that everything is different and do not identify with the "only correct and true" system of opinion presented daily in the so-called "mainstream media" and "ministries of truth" – all of these (of course, unlike the system-installed so-called "experts" appearing in the system-owned so-called "mainstream media") are just so-called "disturbed fools" who need to be laughed at and locked up in the so-called "insane asylum" or a so-called "prison" so that they do not continue to raise doubts in people's minds, thus, of course, harming them greatly and leading them away from the "only right path"... the examples I could give could be perhaps "endless". Who will adequately "compensate" all of the above, as well as all other wrongs, cruelties and crimes to all innocent people around the world – or indemnify them in some way? Will all those who were and are responsible for and involved in this worldwide dictatorial tyranny of innocent, mostly unsuspecting people be held accountable and realistically punished? By this I mean mainly (for example): the so-called "pharmaceutical companies, governments" of all countries; the "mainstream media", but not excluding first and foremost those who (not only) control these aforementioned persons and corporations. If only people would wake up one day from this hypnosis and realize who the real culprit is behind all (not only) these dirty, perverse, cruel things and never-ending harming of people, instead of arguing among themselves and dealing with unimportant nonsense as this system wants them to do. Who will punish the real culprits appropriately and in what way? A systemic corporate so-called "court" and the slave system itself that runs it and would thus be against itself, hardly, I guess? It is so simple, yet complex and almost impossible – all it would take is for people to wake up from hypnosis, stop playing this "system game" and realise what is really going on. After all, people give power to this slave system by their ignorance, their inaction, their consent. People commonly say to themselves – "what can I do about it – there is nothing we can do" etc., not knowing that they are the only ones, and no one else, who have the power and can change everything. Well, people would have to start working together. Moreover, people spend their whole lives just waiting (not knowing that they will never get it) for someone to solve their problems for them, they need a leader, someone other than themselves to solve everything for them, someone who will lead them by the hand all their life, which they will live by working and doing activities they don't enjoy, always first and foremost for someone else, just not for themselves, guided by their master like a dog on a leash, who will decide, as I have already mentioned, what is right and what is wrong, what they can, cannot, must, can and cannot think, what they can and cannot say, what they can and cannot consume, what they are allowed to do and what they are no longer free to do – because it is forbidden (it is called "illegal – criminal"), how they should live...Moreover – money and power do wonders to people and human life is not nearly as valuable to many people as money (possessions). It's called "avarice". The worst is when an arrogant, egotistical incompetent moron (of which there are more than enough in this system) who thinks he possesses all the wisdom in the world gets into power, that's what it looks like in today's world. But we know that he is not the one who decides anything (which, of course, does not excuse him or absolve him of his share of the blame), in fact, like an obedient puppet on a string, he just does the bidding of those who put him in that position, and so it is everywhere - in all of "our", upside-down, corrupt and perverted world. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes less, but everything has its time and only time will show everything and every truth will come out one day (sooner or later) and everything, as they say, will come to the surface. BUT BEWARE!!! – only if it's not part of your (system) game – that's the question... – that it is and will be even more deliberately blatant, so that gradually even the most oblivious and system-protecting and system-defending people will understand it, and eventually some false "messiah – saviour of humanity" will come (based on a pre-prepared, well-thought-out scenario), who will rid us of these wrongs, sufferings and perversions, which the manipulated people in turn will willingly accept with joy, not knowing that it is, as always, nothing else but a part of this dirty game and the completion of the so-called "Great Reset and the New World Order" and the false savoir, together with his false, prearranged solution to the problems ("Ordo Ab Chao – out of chaos, order") is again, as always, just a figurehead set up by the system itself – still the same system, which is deceived, naive, manipulated people will gladly accept (although I understand that it will not happen overnight, because everything has its time, of course), not knowing that it is again and again nothing but the same theatre of the system, to which again stupid manipulated and naive sheep will be caught, like fish to bait or mice to trap, and the so-called "Great Reset and the New World Order", which have been openly talked about in public for a very long time – for decades, can be brought to a beautiful conclusion. Either those who create and "approve" such so-called "laws" are mentally disturbed and have absolutely nothing to look for in their jobs, or it is all deliberately done the way it should be done, either way it is not right in the least. It is clear that this world is run by sociopaths – obviously very intelligent, but also sick people without compassion (not mutually exclusive), or people controlled by someone even more intelligent than themselves. But I don't care about your politics and laws, I only care about justice, nothing else. Kindly leave me alone and leave me out of your politics and your plans, because I am nobody's property, neither yours nor anybody else's in this world, and I will never submit to you...

Now that we've explained what the term means and who the so-called "conspiracy theorist (conspirator) and disinformation agent", who and for what purpose probably coined the term, and what practices have been and are still being used to discredit conscious, awake and intelligent people, who have their pride, who cannot bow their heads and keep quiet, who will not be fooled, hypnotized, dictated how to live and gradually, slowly but surely killed by this slave system, who do not close their eyes to the truth, who naturally resist, etc., you can also try to give me such a "label" ("lunatic, conspirator, disinformation agent" etc.). The naive manipulated fool - the ordinary so-called "consumer" who, like such a little child, naively believes that this system is created for the good of ordinary people (the general population) and not for those who created, create and control it, and whose daily main source of information and entertainment is watching real genuine misinformation on the news and primitive series on TV and on the Internet will believe and laugh at it - will have more primitive entertainment. An intelligent and awakened (conscious) person, who has not completely clouded his/her common sense and uses his/her brain for what it is intended for, no – he/she will not fall for it and will not get caught in this trap, but on the contrary – he/she will just become even more convinced how it is in this "beautiful" world of ours, dominated by true fools, real psychopaths, sociopaths and satanists. And maybe it will open his/her eyes and he/she will finally stop sitting idly by and watching everything and instead start doing something meaningful, finally realize that silence and inaction is not the solution and finally take action to stop his lifelong enslavement. So, like it or not – label, mark, ridicule, discredit me as you see fit. Go ahead – as they say, there are no limits to imagination. As I have already mentioned, every truth will come out sooner or later, and most importantly, you certainly won't hurt me...

As a fitting and apt conclusion to this "Item", I thought it appropriate to quote Arthur Schopenhauer: "Truth always goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. In the second, it is aggressively rejected (refuted). In the end, it is accepted as a matter of course."

Item 5 (my attitude to life, the main reason for writing this letter – what is my goal):

I would also like to point out that I am very well aware that I am not, like anyone else in this world, perfect, and I do not, as they say, have a "monopoly on intelligence" and on any solution, lest someone, on the basis of my statements, mentioned throughout this letter of mine, should interpret it that way, lest it should accidentally sound that way to someone (or in general), I certainly do not mean it that way – I still could not forgive myself for making this small remark. In this letter of mine, as I noted at the beginning of it, my own opinions, experience and free decisions are (among other things) expressed, and these decisions of mine, expressed in this letter, should be taken (also from a so-called "legal point of view") as information which is my official, honest and free declaration towards you as well as towards the whole world. I am not asking you or anyone else in this world if I can act on the basis of your or anyone else's election – I am simply telling you. My decisions in this letter are intended to be for your information and guidance only, please do not explain them in any other way – just so that there is no misunderstanding. This is just a general remark (insertion) to all the information I have given throughout this letter of mine. So, to this "Item No. 5", I state that my attitude to life is as follows:

I regard every human being on Earth as an equal. We are all equal, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, opinions, whether one is a so-called "believer" or an "atheist", etc. No one in the world has the right to exalt themselves over someone else, to consider themselves as someone/something more than the other. No one and nothing in the world entitles anyone to be superior to anyone, no one is to be humiliated under anyone – within some so-called "hierarchy of law" – of superiority, inferiority and "power". I respect anyone's opinions, as long as they are not forced on me – everyone has the right to their own opinion and freedom of speech, as well as the right to defend their own and their loved ones' freedom, health and life. I do not consciously harm any living being (human, animal, plant), but I defend myself in an adequate way (within my capabilities and abilities) if someone else harms me and/or my loved ones. I do not rob, beat, torture or kill other living beings, nor do I force my own views on anyone. I follow the motto "live and let live" and I expect the same from others in general and not only expect but also demand from others in relation to their behaviour towards me and my loved ones. My life is solely and ONLY MINE, and NO ONE else in the world has ANY business in my life, and NO ONE else, except myself, has absolutely NO right to interfere in my life in any way and "run" it for me. My (temporary) home is the entire planet Earth and I don't recognize any so-called "borders" between countries around the world, because they are just a line on a map for me and in reality it serves mainly as a (figuratively speaking) "enclosure" for *"sheep" *(read: for people who submit and agree to it without much objection). I have a natural right, as does everyone else in this world, to travel freely and "settle" wherever I choose, for any unlimited period of time, without any conditions, except one – and that specifically, as long as I do not harm other living beings and violate their natural rights and free will. I see no reason why we and each other, whatever race we are descended from, cannot live together, in any place on this planet, tolerating each other and not harming each other, and help each other. We are already restricted on this small planet, because we are not allowed (at least for the time being) to leave it and travel to other places "in space" (outside our planet), or where we are actually located, and yet they restrict our (humans) movement and do not want to let us even to another country, or even, as it was for some time, e.g. in the case of the already mentioned, so-called "pandemic Covid-19", not even from one of the so-called "district” to another and in some countries, people had to be (and maybe still are somewhere) "compulsorily" locked in their homes and could not/cannot go outside the door of their house or apartment (not even to the common corridor), or when I return to enter another "country", they make it conditional on various so-called "legal regulations, conditions, international conventions", etc., such as the length of (limited) stay, conditions of entry, such as so-called "visas, mandatory vaccinations", or "only" so-called "tests" (at the moment) for the so-called "Covid-19 virus" and the like, various other fanatical and extremist – inhumane invented so-called "laws, regulations" etc., which are against common sense and especially against people. By the way, it is interesting how the so-called "Covid-19 virus" suddenly "disappeared", or went by the wayside, at the time of a new – relatively recent – "global problem" that has emerged and for which the so-called "pandemic" has made way – i.e. the so-called "military conflict" – Russia vs. Ukraine. Main "P.R." in the so-called "mainstream media" has the current, instead of the day-to-day basically disappeared so-called "pandemic" Covid-19", which suddenly is not addressed much anymore (not that I miss it – I think there was more than enough of it already, although I'm not so sure that it's over...), although certain so-called "regulations and conditions", in connection with this, have remained in various places around the world, and we also do not know what is still ahead of us (what is being prepared), the so-called "war conflict" Russia – Ukraine, which has happened and currently, at the time of writing this letter, is still "Topic No. 1".

Why am I writing all this to you...?

The main reasons which have led me to write this letter are also summarised at the end of this letter, before the "Appendices" (in "Item No. 11"), but in addition to my official, free affidavit, of which I want everyone, but especially those to whom this letter is addressed, to be aware, is this: Of course, I do not recognize you as any other self-proclaimed so-called "authority" in the world, as I already stated and explained above, but you are recognized as a superior so-called "authority" by other (although not all) "systemic" self-proclaimed and generally recognized by people so-called "authorities and institutions" with whom I have inadvertently – from time to time – necessary contact, so I am of the opinion that it would probably be quite helpful to me to receive official confirmation from you that you acknowledge this statement – this information addressed to you, with everything in this letter (from my very first word – in the introduction of this letter – from addressing you as "Dear Sir/Madam...", to (including) "Item(s) no. 12") you agree unconditionally and will accept everything I have stated here (throughout this letter) with immediate and 100% effect, or if you have any reservations about anything I have stated in this letter, please state so in your reply, along with the specific reason for your disagreement. You have every bit as much right to your opinion as I, or anyone else in the world, but that's about ALL you have a right to in relation to me. Of course, it is true, that you have, unlike me, a "small, slightly" overwhelming advantage, which is your obedient "servants", so-called "in the name of the law" armed "slaves", so-called "slaves" armed "in the name of the law" – i.e. "excuse me", persons "employed" (mostly) in the so-called "state services" (i.e. so-called "police, secret services, army", etc.), so that our mutual forces are not quite fairly balanced... I must also point out that I, unlike your corporate slave mafia system" (your so-called "jurisdiction"), do not command anything, do not determine what you can and cannot do, what you must do, etc., I don't elevate myself above you, nor anyone else in the world, and I don't run your life for you... To return to the above, I believe it will help me if you officially confirm that any person or (especially) any so-called "institution, person, organisation (simply) corporation" in the world, whoever they may be, has absolutely no right to harass me in any way, whether they claim to be doing so under (by virtue of) or so-called "on behalf of the law", or have any other "reason" to do so. I emphasize again – unless I knowingly and intentionally harm other living beings, as I mentioned above, absolutely NO ONE in the world has ANY right to do so, and if someone – anyone – continues to do so, after I have been instructed and warned towards it, in the sense that I do not agree with it, I refuse and forbid it, I will be forced to defend myself, within the limits of my possibilities and abilities, naturally and appropriately, in the way I evaluate and deem appropriate in such a given situation. In the event that you reply to this letter in the way I imagine and request from you (in the manner stated above), I will have your official statement, which I can use without restriction, whenever necessary, when dealing with anyone, e.g. with any so-called "official, civil servant", when making a so-called "border crossing" from one country to another, when staying in any country on Earth, etc., in short, wherever it is "necessary", I will use your confirmation that nobody in the world has absolutely no right, not even the slightest right, to order me, to command me, to restrict me in any way, to hinder me in any way, etc. – in short, to interfere in any way with my own free will, except if I really realistically and especially consciously – deliberately hurt and cause harm (injury) to other living beings, but even in such a case no “court” has right to so-called “judge” me within your so-called "jurisdiction", because your so-called "jurisdiction" has absolutely no authority over living human beings – living men and living (women – free sovereign autonomous living human beings with diplomatic immunity. I believe that (i) on the basis of such an official confirmation from your side, no one will be "able" e.g. to "restrict my personal freedom", or in any other way so-called "justly and lawfully punish" me, demand from me anything that I do not agree with, which of course anyway – regardless of whether I receive such confirmation from you or not, nobody in the world has absolutely no right to, unless I (and I repeat myself again) explicitly harm other living beings, especially those who would be in the position of weaker beings and have little chance to defend themselves, just as I have no chance to defend myself when unarmed and untrained by a so-called "on behalf of the law" e.g. surrounded by "XY" armed so-called "police officers", or outnumbered so-called "police officers" or so-called "soldiers" and the so-called "independent fair judge" will condemn me "in the name of the law" and throw me into a so-called "prison", e.g. for "XY" years, or they will punish me in any other way "legally", even though I have not really harmed anyone in reality, I only under your so-called "laws" of your so-called "jurisdiction” "violated" some so-called "law" invented by somebody, which I should obey against my own will, and of course I should also perfectly know them even better than any so-called "lawyer, policeman, prosecutor and judge" in the world, because, as your "systemic corporate slave law" claims, "ignorance of the law is no excuse". This so-called "just and lawful" system would, for example, through such people, destroy my life and the lives of my loved ones. I hope and I want to believe that (hopefully) I will receive such official acceptance, statement and confirmation from you and such confirmation will make my life on this planet easier, a life that has been and still is full of all kinds of restrictions, regulations, laws, prohibitions, obligations and always conditional permissions (under certain conditions that are disadvantageous for me and especially forced), whatever it concerns. I certainly don't feel like a free man that way. I know very well that words like "freedom, democracy, law, justice" etc. are in practice just meaningless words on paper, empty phrases of so-called "politicians" who are in reality just "actors", constantly performing and repeating only learned theatrical phrases – a script "written" by someone above them, who is (figuratively speaking) "behind the theatre curtain", someone we cannot see, who pays them for this "theatre" and, as they say, "pulls the strings" and thus "controls" these "theatre puppets" called "politicians" and "government". I have never in my life been called to "vote" for anyone and, as they say, "give someone my vote", because in such a case, if I "gave someone my vote", I would not be able to use it anymore and I would have to just be quiet... (I believe you understand this "figurative" explanation). I have also never participated in any so-called "demonstrations" organised by anyone (often by the system itself), because I have long since understood that except for shouting down ("blowing off steam") desperate people, it has virtually no meaning. I've never played this game. The situation – the problems of the people in question need to be solved in a completely different way... Well, I still have hope and expect that this communication between us and the subsequent step (for now I still believe that it will be positive – although my "faith" in it is not so great) from your side towards me, will change things for the better and, as they say, I will finally be able to breathe freely (I just hope that it will not be the last time...). If I do not get any answer from you, that will be an answer for me as well as for the others, because, if I believe correctly, according to your so-called "laws of international commercial law" – "silence means (tacit) consent" and if it is not so, I will take it that way, which I am also telling you at the same time. In any event, whether you respond positively or negatively to this statement of mine, or not at all, this is "for my part", as I write in the introduction to this letter (with the exception of my additional responses – clarifying any ambiguities, as I write below, towards the end of this letter – in "Item no. 11", specifically in "Paragraph No. 5" of this "Item"), my only suggestion, my only information and request, and my only free expression and honest declaration towards you, as well as towards every living being in the whole world. I refuse and will not respond to your possible resistance because it is too exhausting for me, it takes away my precious time, my precious life energy and it deteriorates my mental and related physical health. I'm not going to argue with anyone, I don't care, I have my truth, my reason and my consciousness, which no one and nothing in the world can refute or take away from me, and that's it for me. I am giving you 28 days from the date(s) of your receipt of this letter, which will also be summarised in 'Item No. 11' of this letter, to respond to the above representations (your response), which can be sent to the addresses set out below in 'Item No. 10' of this letter.

Item 6 (my so-called "legal fiction" and my new "identification document and diplomatic passport"):

In order to let you know exactly for whom, within my so-called "legal fiction", I am writing to you as a living person and who specifically, within my so-called "legal fiction", I am attaching at the end of this letter "my" ("corporate slave system" – your so-called "jurisdiction" forcibly imposed on me), so far so-called "valid state documents" which I do not recognize, I do not identify with them, from the so-called "legal point of view" on these so-called "documents and certificates" is completely alien – a so-called (dead) "person" whom I do not know (it is not me), I do not agree with their so-called "possession" and I refuse to use them. These so-called "identity documents" do not represent me – as a living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a living man living on earth (according to the so-called "natural law / law of the land/earth"), me, as a "beneficiary", a free sovereign autonomous living human being (with diplomatic immunity), but it is just a so-called "legal fiction – a dead person" that has been created without my knowledge and/or decision and consent – by force, by coercion, against my own free will, which is called, from a so-called "legal point of view", as I have already mentioned in this sentence, as well as several times before, a so-called "legal fiction" of which I am the owner. As I write, the above-mentioned and attached to this letter, of which they are an integral part, so-called "state and church documents and certificates", were imposed on me (and are still being imposed on me) by force, but I still have them (for the time being) and I use them involuntarily, because their absence and non-use, or the use of other so-called "identification documents", despite their use by the so-called "state authorities" and so-called "state", and so-called "private institutions", causes me considerable problems and great inconvenience, so I am constantly forced to use them, despite my express disapproval, refusal and non-identification with them – in short, I use them expressly against my own free will. Furthermore, at the end of this letter is my autograph (not my signature), which symbolizes me as a sovereign living person, an integral part of which are my fingerprints (left and right thumb and index finger), where one – the red imprint of my left thumb ("from the heart") symbolizes life – a sovereign living person, the second – the blue imprint of my right index finger means that I am knowledgeable about information and my rights, and the third – the purple imprint of my right thumb means the absence of the so-called "legal entity" – i.e. the so-called "legal fiction" and finally, of course, my handwritten autograph in blue ink and my own original seal. I also enclose my new (current) so-called "living person's identification document", which I have seen fit to make for myself and which is duly registered and marked (under) its original numbers with the so-called "Common Law Court" – this is the so-called "common law" and with the so-called "UPU" (i.e. "Universal Postal Union"). It is one of the several so-called "identification documents" that I currently use, but in most of the various (practically almost all) so-called "institutions, persons and corporations" I encounter only the non-recognition of this "identification document", ridicule and discrimination on their part, although this "identification document" is properly "registered" and so-called "legally valid" and should be so-called "internationally recognized" by anyone around the world. It is my "identification document" which states that "the holder of this passport is NOT: a “*strawman in commerce” (so-called “*strawman”), a "corporate fiction", a "legal entity", nor a "(natural) person". On this my "identification document" is my autograph and a red imprint of my finger (right thumb), as a sign – a symbol of being a sovereign living person, because the colour red, as I mentioned in the previous lines, symbolizes life. I am also the owner of a "diplomatic passport" which also proves my diplomatic immunity as a free sovereign autonomous living human being and a "beneficiary" which bears my autograph, which includes my blue fingerprint, which means that I am in control of information and, as I also stated above, I am very aware and knowledgeable of my rights. For a number of reasons, I have deemed it appropriate not to publish this "diplomatic passport" here. I also inform you that these "identification documents", which define me as a living human being, a living man – a free sovereign autonomous living human being with diplomatic immunity, will be used temporarily – i.e. until the time frame I deem appropriate – during my passage through the so-called "borders" (in fact "fences", where this slave corporate system has under its control the divided and (semi-)closed people of various countries) from one country – or, "fence" to another, when crossing the so-called "states, kingdoms, duchies" etc. (or rather – in reality – corporations with their own so-called "D.U.N.S. number" – which is the international equivalent of e.g. (not only) the so-called "Slovak or Czech ID number" – or the so-called "identification number") all over the world, or in contact with various so-called "state authorities and officials", e.g. in case I am again forcibly called upon and forced by them to "prove my identity", so that they know that I am not (according to the so-called "maritime - admiralty law - jurisdiction of maritime admiralty") a so-called "lost (missing)", or so-called "dead at sea", but, as I have mentioned several times in this letter, and I deliberately keep emphasizing it, because that is the most important reason for this letter of mine, the main reason why I am writing to you – I am a living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a living man living on land, a free sovereign autonomous living human being with "diplomatic immunity", that I do not fall under their (your) so-called "jurisdiction" and that without my consent they have/you have absolutely no right to continue to harass me or demand anything from me and that they must/you must immediately desist from such their/your illegal criminal actions. Otherwise, they/you are committing "crimes against humanity, against the law, terrorism and arbitrariness" and they/you will have to suffer the appropriate consequences for it, under my 100% "legitimate" defence, which is nothing more than a reaction to their/your actions. Should such criminal behaviour and harassment by your so-called "jurisdiction" nevertheless occur, I will charge anyone who has anything to do with it financial penalties from my official price list, which all of you are required to follow and accept. This price list is attached in "Item No. 12" – "Attachment No. 1", as an integral part of this letter. Coming back to the above-mentioned "identification documents" - the so-called "passports", I "*personally" (*I am not a person, but I am a living man – a living person) do not need any such "identification document" and I certainly do not intend to carry it with me everywhere during my whole life, I am its owner again only for the reason that the use of this "identification document" "facilitates" my communication, in case of unwanted contact (confrontation) with any so-called “official, police officer, customs officer, institution, corporation, organisation, person", etc. I see it, simply, as the lesser "evil", compared to the so-called "state identity documents", which I have been forced to use against my will, all my life, until now, by force. After all, the name of even these, the above-mentioned "identification documents – the so-called "CLC passport" and "diplomatic passport", if you divide this word, is "pass port", which means "out of port", so it, in my opinion, again and still, according to the name of even these specific, above mentioned "identification (and) diplomatic documents" can be inferred (or the meaning is hidden in the name of these "identification documents") that I am so-called "lost", or so-called "dead at sea" according to the so-called "maritime – admiralty law"), which I am definitely not, I do not agree with such a statement and I definitely reject it, because I live and I am here, I live on land (on earth) and I am writing to you, as I have already expressed myself, as a living man, a living man of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a free sovereign autonomous living human being (definitely not, as a so-called "citizen, (dead) person, corporation, strawman," etc.) and if I am, from your point of view and/or from your point of view or the point of view of other so-called "persons, institutions, organizations" – in short, so-called "corporations" – I would really be regarded as a free, living human being in the true sense of the word, then logically I would not need to use any such or any other so-called "identity document" or "identification document" issued by anybody else – any other corporation or any other so-called "organization / independent platform of experts" in the world and I would not have to "prove my identity", although I partly acknowledge, although I definitely do not agree with such behaviour, that I somehow "have to", or, that it is probably "necessary" to "identify" myself so that the relevant person and corporation know that I am not their/your (figuratively speaking) "sheep", I am not even a so-called "citizen, person, corporation", etc., and as I have already mentioned, that I do not fall under their/your – "slave anti-human corporate system" of illegally maintained so-called "jurisdiction". In case I "do not have", as it is so far (at the time of writing this letter), "a choice" and I will be constantly forced to make a new so-called "biometric ("slave") passport", if they continue to give me problems when travelling at the so-called "borders" when crossing various countries (or, corporations), wherever, all over the world, or if they would refuse to take me as a passenger on a ship, as it happened last year (2022), after I presented my, above-mentioned so-called "identification document – CLC passport" – namely at (allegedly) the world's largest shipping company "MSC Cruises", owned by the so-called "private person – sea captain" Gianluigi Aponte, who (this corporation) has expressed that a "free citizen" (that's their made-up phrase – I never used such) cannot board, or in any other case, when, again, anyone anywhere will bully and restrict me in my natural rights as a living human being (living man) of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a free sovereign autonomous living human being, and even violate my rights as defined (among other things) in the "system" created by the so-called "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", as it is done so far, know that I will do it again and again, as I have been doing so far, only out of compulsion, against my own free will, as I do not want to spend a large part of my life (if not all of it), constantly tugging with various so-called "officials, policemen, courts", etc., which would only worsen my, to put it mildly, already less than ideal physical and, of course, associated with it, mental health. I refuse to stay and suffer in such a society, observing these perverted and, against common sense, anti-human laws invented by fools – psychopaths, sociopaths, murderers and satanists, examples of which I mentioned above – in "Item No. 4" of this letter and literally, because I have practically no choice, out of compulsion and out of necessity I run away to places where it is not (at least for now) so "sick" and perverted and where nature and naturalness is preserved for the time being (although it is clear to me that probably only temporarily, because it will probably not last forever). No one can or will hold me or my loved ones by force against our free will -– I simply will not allow anyone in the world to do this and will defend myself to the last of my ability. If it doesn't go officially "the good way", it will have to go the other way, even if I have to walk on foot and illegally – without system-issued so-called "identity documents" any long route, even if I am forced to cross mountains, rivers, seas and oceans as a "refugee (emigrant)" – I will find someone on the spot who will transport me in some way – be it a so-called "container shipping company", sailors with their own "private boat" (sailboat/yacht), or anyone else – I will pay money to "smugglers" to cross (transfer me to a place) outside the so-called "official state (corporate) borders" etc. with their help – after all, what do I have to do with your made up corporate so-called "borders" - I don't care, if I have no other choice and "by the good way" and it won't work "officially", you can be sure that I will always find a way (as they say, "he who seeks, finds") and if I don't have a choice and I'm forced to do it, it's very, very hard for anyone to stop me and prevent me from doing it. Again, this is just my reaction to an action taken by the "slave system" – because I am doing nothing more than naturally and legitimately defending myself and my loved ones, which is my full, 100% right, and I am doing it out of extreme necessity, as a person backed into a corner, or to the edge of a precipice, by this "unfree slave anti-human corporate system" and the "hyenas" who present and illegally keep it running. I am literally running away from this "unfree slave system", fighting for my/our freedom and natural rights, from a "system" that is slowly but surely destroying, "suffocating" and killing me, as well as those closest to me, and I can never let that happen with my head down, as other people normally do – be aware of this. I don't want to make a big deal and play the hero, but if I really have no other choice and I am forced by this slave system to do so, I will have no choice but to start speaking a language that this slave system understands...

One of the so-called "advocates" (who as well as any other so-called "institutions, persons, organisations and corporations" I do not recognise), with whom I am still living in this "slave unfree mafia corporate system" (for the time being), forcibly, despite my explicit disagreement – against my own free will – I have occasionally cooperated when I needed to solve certain, occasionally arising, more serious situations, and when it was almost "necessary", he said that he knew very well, based on (not only) his own "personal" experience, that you do not come to the so-called "court" for justice, but for the so-called "judgement". Another so-called "advocate" with whom I was working, again, when I mentioned to him by the way about my position, problems, etc., told me that although I have the right to everything I demand and I am right in everything, but in order to assert my right and get justice, it would have to be done, in his words, only by so-called "military" or so-called "diplomatic force" in this so-called "free legal" system. Since (and this is not the only main reason) I do not have any so-called "military army", unlike your so-called "jurisdiction", the only option left to me is to try this other, peaceful - so-called "diplomatic way". We will see what the end result of this endeavour of mine will be, hopefully I will not be forced to use the above methods, in my defence and free decision to live the life I (and my loved ones) want and not the life someone else dictates to me (us), based on the so-called "applicable laws" fabricated by the "unfree mafia slave anti-human corporate system" that I do not agree with, that I do not recognize, and that absolutely do not apply to me, even as a living person with diplomatic immunity.

*(note – explanatory note):

- The so-called *"strawman" is a so-called "legal term", which is explained in the "Presentation" in the attached (additional) " Attachment No. 2" - in "Item 12" of this letter

Item 7 (WHO, ordering the immediate permanent erasure (destruction, shredding, disposal) of all "my" so-called "personal data" – i.e. my so-called "legal fiction"):

Regarding (not only) the so-called "institution" called the "World Health Organization" – which is founded by and subordinate to the "United Nations", I have the following to say (in addition to the information regarding the so-called "Covid-19 pandemic", e.g. in "Items 3, 4 and 5" of this letter): My state of health is, like anything else in my life, purely my own affair and nobody else's business but my own. I declare and inform everyone that absolutely NO ONE in the world has the right to order me to do anything under the guise of my welfare and safety, or the welfare and safety of others. I am a responsible person, in my right mind, with my own common sense and, most importantly, my own free will, and I act accordingly. This applies to any so-called "regulations and obligations" issued by the so-called "World Health Organization (under the so-called "UN institution")", or any country - so-called "state, kingdom, duchy, etc.", whatever they concern, e.g. so-called "*compulsory vaccination", wearing so-called "masks, respirators" and other so-called "protective equipment", mandatory testing, "possession" of a so-called "Covid passport"", or other similar confirmation of my so-called "vaccination", obedience and submission and "proving" myself with it, e.g. when crossing the so-called "state (and other corporate) borders", etc., mandatory completion of some questionnaires and statements or certificates concerning my health, so-called "mandatory quarantines", etc., in short, any and all so-called "obligations, regulations, amendments to the law", etc., that have ever been made up by anyone, including those that will ever be invented and "officially approved" (so-called "enacted") and "mandatorily" required of people, no matter what, e.g., including a real, true deadly virus, pandemic, epidemic, in short, no matter what. (Note): the so-called "*mandatory vaccination" and testing against the so-called "Covid-19" (among other things) is currently, as I write this letter to you, required by the shipping company (their details): "Costa Crociere S.p.A. Piazza Piccapietra, 48 16121 Genova, Italy – President, CEO Costa Group – Mario Zanetti", even though the destinations (countries) that are on the shipping route (that are involved) of this so-called "shipping company" no longer require it. According to the information I received from the travel agency that arranges transatlantic cruises, this is also required (at the time of writing of this letter) by the so-called "United States of America (USA)", where you are allegedly not allow to enter without proving yourself, to have been "vaccinated" against the so-called "Covid-19". From my point of view, I perceive and take such demands and dictation of conditions as so-called "fascism (corporatocracy)" and total arbitrariness of these alleged so-called "states", or, corporations, from which consequences must clearly be drawn. Last but not least, I demand, or rather, I demand it from the position of a sovereign free living person – in my defence, I order and command that, with the exception of this complete letter, including all its "Attachments" and my so-called "General Power of Attorney" that I created to share this public letter of mine, all data and records of my so-called "legal fiction", completely and everywhere be completely erased – wherever they are stored and archived – whether electronically (digital), or in written (written, physical – paper), or in any other form, any (all) of "my" so-called "personal records and registers, photographs, fingerprints, secret service records, government, police, military, church, civil registry, medical and court records (judgments – decisions of all so-called "courts")", including so-called "Record of live birth" - i.e. so-called "Child Birth Report", etc., because I have never voluntarily and/or knowingly given my consent to any such thing to anyone, despite any of my – by the so-called "state" forced signature, or the signature and consent of my parents and/or so-called "legal guardians", at the time(s) of my so-called "minority", as I have already stated above. I hereby officially renounce my so-called "Slovak citizenship", to which I have never given my voluntary and/or conscious consent in my life, I myself have never voluntarily – freely and consciously decided to become a so-called "citizen" of either the so-called "Slovak" or any other so-called “state" in the world and I officially declare that I do not consider myself a so-called "person, corporation" or so-called "citizen" of any so-called "state", I refuse to become and be a so-called "citizen" and "property" of any so-called "state" in the world and I have never had any interest in doing so. As I have already stated above, I am simply a sovereign living human being, a living man, born and living on earth, I am not a so-called "missing (dead) at sea (according to the so-called "law of admiralty jurisdiction")", I am a living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, and my (temporary) home is the entire planet Earth. I don't need and refuse to be included anywhere, as some "dumb sheep" in a herd of other "dumb sheep" going to the slaughter, who actually don't even realize, or don't want to realize, what is happening to them, because, in my humble opinion, they are in a state of deep (targeted) hypnosis, massaged on a daily basis by the constant "brainwashing" of their brain cells, removing their critical thinking and their own free opinion, through a very well, one could almost say "perfectly" elaborated system, which includes (not only) within the so-called "BIG Pharma, BIG Tech and BIG Media", (not only) the so-called "mainstream media (TV, radio, newspapers, internet, intranet), food and pharmaceutical industry, church" and other so-called "religion, geopolitics", various transmitters mentioned above, so-called "smart technologies, 5G networks", etc., where the vast overwhelming majority of people working for these aforementioned corporations don't even realize, or some of them prefer not to realize, who they actually work for and what they are causing, except for people who, on the other hand, realize it all too well and clearly and terms like conscience, justice, truth, compassion, human dignity and the real natural right of man mean nothing to them and are miles away from them, unlike money and power, which (unfortunately) have enormous power in this world and to which the vast majority of people in this world are very close. For such people, money is the number one priority in their life in the list of "values", far above the dignified, healthy and natural experience of life, health, happiness, peace and love of other people and everything else that concerns us in our everyday so-called "reality" of this life.

Item No. 8 (what I want, what I dream about – harmony with nature):

We are slowly coming to the end and if anyone has read the whole thing, from the beginning to the end, I feel the need to emphasize that the only thing I really want in this life and what I have been dreaming about for a long time is not any luxury, a lot of money and uselessness of this so-called "modern" and perverted times, but an absolutely plain, simple, modest and "primitive" (meaning natural) life, in which I will have a piece of my own large enough plot of land, on which I will be self-sufficient, where I will be able to grow my own healthy crops of various kinds, instead of my constant enslavement and slavery, on the basis of which I could (I would be allowed) with my hard-earned money to buy, e.g. in some so-called "supermarket" so-called "food", which is slowly but surely killing me, because it is FOOD and NUTRITION [translator’s note: in the original text there is a pun on the words food and nutrition, in the translation it is irrelevant] in the true sense of the word, since this chemical and genetically modified matter is "miles away" from true subsistence (nourishment). A land where I will maintain biodiversity in a healthy way and take care of the nature I am part of with love and respect, instead of gradually destroying it, as it is happening more and more everywhere in the world, mainly on the basis of so-called "laws" issued by your corporate slave system – by your so-called “jurisdiction", a plot of land where I can grow whatever and however I see fit, in any (unlimited) quantity, a plot of land where I can raise any livestock I want, in conditions that are most suitable for them, to keep them as happy as possible, because I respect these living creatures and I would not knowingly allow them to suffer, unlike your so-called "regulations" – especially currently in your so-called "EU", but also outside it, where, for example, this slave system terrorises farmers and orders them to get rid of their cattle, poultry (literally murdering them) and their products (milk, eggs, which they get rid of literally by the hectolitre and by the tonne, etc.). A land where I will make decisions only for me and my family and no one else, without anyone forbidding us anything in the name of some so-called "law, decree, regulation", etc., under the guise of a so-called "higher good" for the planet and people, e.g. for the sake of "animal plague", disease, poultry (bird) flu, emission of excessive CO2 and similar nonsense, or anything that has ever been invented in the past, or has taken place, or is taking place in the present, or will possibly take place in the future. A plot of land on which I will have a modest dwelling, where I will have my privacy, peace, where I will be able to sit, lie down, bow my head, where I will have basic comfort (warmth, clean), where there will be healthy, uncontaminated, unpolluted soil, water and air, intentionally or unintentionally destroyed e.g. by chemical sprays, smoke from factory chimneys, combustion of fumes, "chemtrails" from airplanes, etc. A dwelling where I will not be disturbed by strangers and/or deliberately monitored by someone else, a dwelling and land that will not be touched and taken away from me by any (e.g.) "so-called "bailiff", where I will not have to declare my so-called "permanent" or so-called "temporary – transitional residence" to anyone, or have a project drawn up by a so-called "architect", which I would be forced to submit to a so-called "building authority", so that with their choice (if it would ever happen), in case of issuing a so-called "building permit" I could build a house, which anyway will not be able to be exactly according to my ideas and in fact will never be mine, pay any so-called "taxes" and a bunch of other useless and system slave contraptions. A place that I will not be forced against my will on the basis of a so-called "law", or its so-called "amendment, martial law, emergency, state of war", etc., to provide forcibly to anyone (e.g. to some so-called "refugees, armed and rescue forces", etc.), or to share it with someone, on the grounds that it is imposed on me by some so-called "law, decree, regulation, martial law", etc. My dream is to have my own roof over my head where I can live in peace and health with my loved ones, to have a place that I can call my (real) home in the true sense of the word...

Item No. 9 (my autograph, the method of sending the letter and the so-called "forensic expert report"):

I confirm all of the above with my handwritten autograph, of which my fingerprints and my original seal are an integral part, as an agreement with everything I have stated here and that this is true information, which I have stated on the basis of my truly free decision and in full knowledge, "*not influenced by anyone or anything – or, not manipulated". Everything (the whole set) is so-called "officially (forensically) certified" – the original is written in Slovak language and, because it was translated in the so-called "Czech Republic", translated into the Czech language, including the entire text in this letter subsequently translated into English, in the so-called "official manner" and containing the so-called "official requirements" that you (unlike me) recognize and require, *all so-called "*documents and certificates" (my so-called "legal fiction") are also so-called "apostilled", and so-called "*superlegalised (higher authentication)", so that you can be sure that these documents (this so-called "legal fiction" of mine) are so-called "genuine and legal" and that I, as the "owner" of this so-called "legal fiction", and no one else, really wrote it. I am sending all this to you as follows:

1., (firstly): in written (letter) form, in the presence of at least one witness, sent, of course, by registered post, with highest priority, insured, with automatic acknowledgement of receipt when the letter reaches its destination, to the intended recipient.

2., (secondly): *electronically – by *email message, with scanned original (so-called "certified") documents in an attachment, *along with a visual (video) record of the place of dispatch, in the presence of at least one witness, where it is clearly and uninterruptedly visible

- from start to finish - after the post office or courier company has issued a confirmation that the sender (i.e. me, or someone else for me if I, either temporarily or permanently, do not have this option) has put this particular letter addressed to you in the envelope.

3., (thirdly): by *filling in the form and/or inserting a "comment/complaint" on your official website, if these options are available from your side.

4., (fourthly): *electronically - via the so-called "*data box", which I have set up for this specific purpose only – communication between us, i.e. for the official sending and receiving of so-called "letters" in connection with this letter.

In addition, I have everything stored in several places, in various forms (electronic + physical - letter) for safety reasons to reduce (minimise) the risk of harm to me and/or my loved ones, published worldwide, translated into several languages – as evidence, if necessary in the future, if something should happen to me and/or my loved ones "accidentally", whatever it may be, or if it has already happened, e.g. a serious illness that would mean my physical paralysis, loss of logical reasoning ability, or death as a result of this possible illness or "accident", or in the event of my disappearance, if I become so-called "missing" and this communication is "accidentally" lost, or in other cases, so that the whole matter can be duly continued (e.g.) without me. As a "bonus", I originally wanted to include the so-called "professional psychological and psychiatric examinations – forensic expert opinions", from so-called "independent" and so-called "state-recognized registered forensic experts" (which I do not recognize, as well as anyone else who works for this "corporate slave system" and is part of this so-called "jurisdiction" of yours), in the field of so-called "clinical psychology and psychiatry" who would certify that I am mentally sound, not suffering from any delusions, and that I certainly have no suicidal tendencies and/or propensity to self-harm, or propensity to harm other living beings – which I solemnly declare to be true, as well as all of my opinions, statements and experiences, as stated by me in this letter, from "Item No. 1", (or rather from the first word – the address "Dear..." at the beginning of this letter, up to and including "Item No. 12", or my autograph). I contacted 100% (over 200) of the contacts, so-called "registered forensic experts", available on the so-called "official website of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic" – "justice.cz" - in the territory of the so-called "state" – or, corporation called "Czech Republic", where I was staying for a long time at that time, who in the description of their activities on these so-called "state ministry" website, they state that they are engaged in so-called "clinical and non-clinical psychology and/or psychiatry", but I received from these so-called "forensic experts" (with the exception of two) roughly (for the sake of illustration) the following answers:

1., (firstly): "I don't have the (time) capacity – I have to turn you down."

2., (secondly): "I do not prepare reports for private persons – I prepare reports only for state authorities (police, courts, etc.)."

I received the above two answers (No. 1 and No. 2) in the vast majority of cases. Others (just to give an overview) replied as follows:

3., (thirdly): "I don't do that work (appraisals) anymore." (whether it was a permanent so-called "cessation of activity" – due to so-called "retirement", or possibly only temporarily, due to the so-called "suspension of expert witness activity", by the so-called "state").

4., (fourthly): "I'm on maternity leave at the moment".

5., (fifthly): "There are few experts, even the courts can't find willing experts, as a private person you don't stand a chance."

6., (sixthly): "I can't keep up, I'm busy, the closest I can get to you is a year." (etc.).

Of course, I have evidence for all of these claims (not just the above) in the form of email communications. Similar deadlines as in the last answer No. 6 – would be quite late for me, in connection with my plans, because, if I add to this the time necessary to prepare such a so-called "forensic expert opinion", which would take several more months (according to the answers from the so-called "forensic experts" to my – general questions asked to them, in the context of my addressing them, via e-mail) + the subsequent so-called "official" translation, sending this letter and waiting for your reply (within the time limit I have set for you), or other, additional communication related to your possible additional questions and my answers to them, in the end the whole process could take up to 2 years, which is too long from my point of view, as it is in my own interest, not only for example for the increasing risk of an impending nuclear war on the territory of Europe (which I mentioned above), where I am currently located, as well as for the interest of those closest to me, to get as soon as possible to where we plan to go, to the place that we have recognized as (with regard to the current so-called "geopolitical" situation and climatic conditions in the world) the most suitable place on Earth for us to choose from, in connection with our plans. Not to mention the fact that one doesn't really want to deal with basically anything other than dealing with this issue on a daily basis, for months on end – it's not exactly pleasant and it's not something I want to deal with, generally – in my spare time. I spent a lot of time on the preparation, continuous checking and subsequent editing – several months of intensive work, almost every day, for several hours, connected also with the storage ("archiving") of this list in various forms, searching and addressing hundreds of so-called “forensic experts, translators, attorneys and others" (by the time I sent this letter, I had contacted over 1,800 of them). All of this was sent manually and entered with time intervals, according to the advice of the administrators of the company where I have an e-mail box, from which I addressed all persons and corporations, so that my e-mail messages would not be included in the so-called "SPAM". To purchase and use the service of the so-called "(application) bulk emailing" at any company, despite my efforts and communication with companies that have this option available, I had no chance, because, as they all explained to me, there is a so-called "GDPR law", which is so nonsensically set that despite the fact that I would not send any so-called "business communications" and offers for my profit to anyone that I would not have in the so-called "client database" (as the so-called “business corporations” have) who would give me their consent, on the contrary, I am giving "profit" to them and despite my information and efforts to explain to them that I am dealing with a serious matter and need to address thousands of so-called "lawyers, expert witnesses" etc. in connection with it, they told me that it was not possible to purchase such a service for myself. I have also spent a lot of time in connection with verifying various information and sending this letter of mine to the correct addresses, to the persons and corporations mentioned above (in the introduction of this letter) and in the most appropriate way, so that they do not accidentally come back to me, or are not unnecessarily misplaced, or end up shredded in the trash, finding out a lot of other information, in connection with obtaining and subsequent so-called "higher authentication – apostille and superlegalisation" of the so-called "state and church documents and certificates" forcibly assigned to me – i.e. my so-called "legal fiction", verification of facts, partial studying – learning in the field of the so-called "maritime and common law (CLC) and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)", creation of texts and so-called "General Power of Attorney", which are published on my website, because of the worldwide sharing of this public letter of mine, which is still – immediately after sending it to all persons and corporations, e.g. (not only) via the so-called "social networks", through the number of people who have shown and possibly others who will also show interest in such help, wanting to share their free time and join/join such voluntary and selfless cooperation, e.g. through an effective so-called "chain reaction" system – i.e. one sends to another/others, the other/others to another/others, etc., in the framework of their sympathizing and sharing a similar opinion on this "issue" + a number of other matters, connected with this whole "struggle" for a better life, in the hope that I will hopefully have "somehow" peace, but at least for the purpose of my official public statement and declaration of myself as a "living human being, a living man of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, flesh, blood and bone, a "beneficiary", a sovereign autonomous free living human being", which from my point of view is at least the basis of what I can do in my self-determination and my defence. In connection with the creation of this letter of mine, I would like to point out, as far as finances are concerned, that it has cost and will cost me so far a lot to send it to all the persons and corporations (mentioned in the introduction of this letter), together with the so-called "judicial (official) translation" of this letter into English + translation into other languages + so-called "legal services" + obtaining and additional so-called "verification" of other so-called "documents and certificates" concerning my so-called "legal fiction", creating a website, studying related information, etc., I paid all this, unsubsidized, as they say – out of my own pocket, not to mention the other considerable financial costs and time I would have had to invest in the originally planned preparation of the above-mentioned so-called "forensic expert opinion" and its subsequent (additional) so-called "official translation" into English, as well as translations into other languages. By the way, in connection with this so-called "forensic expert opinion", as regards the only two exceptions (out of more than 200 contacts who would (at least in theory) be the only ones out of all these 100% of contacts I addressed from the above-mentioned list of the so-called "forensic expert opinion" who were able to help me earlier or provide the service at all, their services are approximately 600% to 800% (6 to 8 times) more expensive than the normal, standard price of preparing such a so-called "forensic expert opinion" for (at least most of) the others who, for the reasons mentioned above, were not able to help me at all, or to help me in some more reasonable - shorter timeframe than they stated in their answers. Well, everything seems to have a purpose – that's why this turned out the way it was supposed to. To sum it all up, such finances and time are usually not available to an ordinary–- so-called "busy" person, with their everyday worries. Nowadays, if you want to get at least some kind of "justice" (if that is even possible in this world), you would have to devote a significant part (if not the vast majority) of your life (if not all of it) to such a struggle, with, in my opinion, very little – often negligible – chance of success, and it is certainly not my dream to devote my precious life energy, my precious time and my precious finances to such a struggle. I know of plenty of other ways to invest my funds (those extra few thousand euros/dollars saved) and precious time and energy (while I can still use cash, before this corporate slave system introduces worldwide ONLY digital currency (the so-called "CBDC"), which will be under 100% control), in a much more appropriate and reasonable way than to pay uselessly to free-riders, who mostly take money from the so-called "state", so-called "experts" and so-called "specialists", who classify (figuratively speaking "tag and label") people, according to precisely defined tables, formulas and system-learned things, what is generally normal and what is already deviating from some, system-defined (mainly social) standards. For all these reasons (mainly time and financial) and also as a matter of principle, I did not attach the planned so-called "forensic expert opinion", which was originally supposed to be part of this letter of mine, which saved me at least some time and money...

In conclusion to this "Item" I will add, that if such an examination was/will be REALLY meaningful, performed by a REALLY UNBIASED and TRUE EXPERT, in the field of so-called "psychology and/or psychiatry", I have absolutely no problem with such so-called "psychological and/or psychiatric examination” (again, of course, publicly) to avoid any doubts that could arise and ultimately could be (very likely) on the basis of a manipulated opinion, created on order (when it even normally comes standard at the expense of the so-called "court”, or the so-called “state”, if the “state” requires such "forensic expert opinion" to be used against me, because, as many of us (un)ordinary, not completely stupid (manipulated) people know, this "slave anti-human corporate system" absolutely – not even a little bit – does not shy away from using any dirty practices, to "discredit", ridicule, question and get rid of people who are inconvenient to it, in any way possible, as we have seen many times in history and still see in the present. By the way, where are the so-called "clinical psychologists and psychiatrists – forensic experts" and why do they not "compulsorily" create so-called "forensic expert opinions", on the basis of public examination of so-called "persons", who in a fundamental (negative) way influence (our) everyday life of ordinary people, e.g. in connection with the above (in "Item No. 4") mentioned, upside-down laws, concerning (among others) e.g. dozens of genders, and statements of publicly known, rich and influential people (see e.g. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and others), who grin when publicly declaring that "the next pandemic will surely attract (attract our attention), vaccination will help to depopulate humanity, people need to be reduced from the current 8 billion to 500 million, water is not a human privilege, by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy", etc.? Why have these and other people not been justly punished for their public statements and especially for their deeds long ago and are not already in a so-called "custody" or at least in a so-called "psychiatric hospital"? I ask why, for what reason is that? For what reason can they actually afford to do this, how can something like this actually happen in our so-called "civilised" world today? Will I get an answer from you? Well, I actually know the real reason, and I'm certainly far from the only one, but try to answer my questions, because your answer to them is of great interest to me (and certainly not only to me), I'll be happy to wait for it with great curiosity, well, with all due "respect" and no offense, I think that no meaningful and truthful answer is likely to come from you. I wonder why...?


*(notes – explanations):

- "*not influenced by anyone or anything" – or "not manipulated", is meant to mean that I wrote everything in this letter on the basis of my own free decision. Of course, we are all influenced by what information we receive from our surroundings, what we believe, how we verify things, the environment we are in, what we consume, etc. Someone is easily influenced, another is more difficult to influence – each one mainly according to the level of his intelligence and consciousness he/she is at and also according to his/her life experiences, etc.

  • *all so-called "*documents and certificates" – this means documents that the relevant so-called "competent (authorised) authorities" had no major problem verifying. The documents that I have not been able to verify, or the documents that the so-called "authorities" had problems with verifying, are: the so-called "Baptismal certificate" (according to the information from the relevant so-called "authorities" this document is not verified because it is not issued by the so-called "state" but by the so-called "Church" and "Vatican" which has its own so-called "intra-Church line" and also the so-called "official language", which is Latin, which is on the original of this document – the so-called "Baptismal certificate"). The biggest problem was mainly with the verification of the so-called "Record of live birth" (i.e., the "child birth report"), which is considered the most important proof-of-life document required for the so-called "manifestation" to this slave corporate system and declare oneself a sovereign living human being...To avoid any doubt, I have, as in every other case, evidence for my claim in the form of email communications with the relevant so-called "authorities" which are posted on my website "vabanque.info".

  • *electronically - i.e. via e-mail message, *electronic form and/or so-called "data box", this letter was sent only to persons and corporations that have the following information (options) (which I, together with my temporarily cooperating so-called "attorney", found) on their websites, in their so-called "official contacts"

  • * the image (video) record was sent in electronic form only if the particular person and corporation in question was also sent this letter via mail and/or courier delivery company

  • the so-called "superlegalisation of documents and certificates" concerns only one "country" that requires it and that is "the Vatican”

Item No. 10 (my explicit disagreement and "my" so-called "personal data" – i.e. the so-called "legal fiction" and my "contact details"):

I would also like to point out that my express disapproval, rejection, prohibition and opposition of course applies to anything else I have not mentioned in this letter in connection with the issuance of any so-called "law, amendment to law, regulation, provision, order, rule, ordinance, etc., (whatever anyone may call these slave bullies) ever issued, or yet to be issued in the future, by any so-called "state", any so-called "person, corporation, institution, organization", or any so-called "kingdom, duchy", and any so-called "democratic, socialist, socialist, communist, capitalist, dictatorial", or any other so-called "regime" in the world, past, present or future, and not only under your so-called "jurisdiction", because I REFUSE to be anyone's "property" or "slave", I REFUSE and do not acknowledge to have any so-called " "authority" over me that claims to have a so-called "right" under any so-called "law, amendment to a law, regulation, ordinance, provision, order, rule", etc. to order me to do anything and to limit me in my freedom and my natural rights as a "free sovereign autonomous living human being with diplomatic immunity, a "beneficiary", a living man living on the earth, under the natural law / law of the land/earth, a living man of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone". I do not have a so-called "legal background", but I trust that I have expressed myself clearly and understandably enough and that (not only) the persons and corporations to whom this letter is addressed will understand all of my words in this letter. I have chosen my words in this letter as I saw fit at the time of writing. I realize that many of the terms, names, and phrases in several places in this letter are (intentionally) repeated. This is in order to avoid any doubts or ambiguities and also to minimise the risk of someone wanting to, as they say, "hold me to my word" and use something of my own words against me on the basis of any so-called "legal contradictions" etc. Should any ambiguities (of any kind), doubts and questions arise on your part and should you not find any (anything) of what I have written in this letter sufficiently clear and understandable, please do not hesitate to contact me (within the time period I have set for you to comment – i.e. within 28 days of the date (from the date) of your receipt of this letter) at my contact details set out below in this "Item". I will be happy to set "things" straight and I believe that I will provide you with a clear, sufficiently understandable and (hopefully) definitively clear answer to your questions and uncertainties.


In conclusion (below), I attach "my" so-called "personal data" – i.e. my so-called "legal fiction", of which I am the owner, together with so-called "certified state documents" (in the "Attachment No. 3 "), which were given to me without my knowledge and/or consent by the so-called "state of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic", the so-called alleged "state", or, "corporation of the Slovak Republic" and the so-called "ecclesiastical institution of the Roman Catholic Church" forcibly imposed and assigned immediately after my birth, or until the age(s) of 15 or 18 years of my life and later, at the time(s) of my so-called "majority" and the so-called "state-" or corporation-issued (so-called "certified copies") so-called "identity documents" (in the " Attachment No. 3"), which I am forced to use against my will, even though I do not recognize, agree and do not identify with these so-called "identity documents". I refuse to use them, they are for me an absolutely worthless piece of paper, a piece of worthless plastic and a symbol of the slavery to which I have been forced all my life, from the first day of my birth to the present day, against my own will – i.e. the so-called "legal fiction":


Name and surname: Róbert Šellei, birth number: 840614/7145, date (day, month, year) and place of birth: 14/06/(June)/1984, (city) Topoľčany, (Postcode) [949 01], State: (former) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, currently Slovak Republic, permanent residence: (street) Štefánikova trieda (No.) 60, (city) Nitra, (Postcode) [949 01], (state) Slovakia (Slovak Republic), citizenship: Slovak"


mother: Elena Šelleiová – nee. Antalová, date (day, month, year) and place of birth: 24/06/(June) 1965, (city) Topoľčany, state: (former) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Father: Stanislav Šellei, born Šellei, date (day, month, year) and place of birth: 17/11/(November) 1960, (city) Snina, state: (former) Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

My official so-called "contact details" where, within the deadline I have set for you – i.e. no later than 28 days from the date (from the date) of your receipt of this letter, I expect to "receive" your official statement (your official response – reaction to this letter) in electronic and written form are:

1., (firstly) e-mail: JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING

2., (secondly) a temporary postal address, which will be valid for a minimum of 90 days from the date (date) of your receipt of this letter, created for the sole purpose of sending your written (letter) official statement (your reply to this letter): Róbert Šellei, P. O. Box No. 24, Skalecká 2, Mníšek pod Brdy, [252 10], Czech Republic

3., (thirdly) a temporary *data box (established on the territory of the alleged so-called "state", or, the corporation Czech Republic"), which will be, as well as the above postal address, valid (active) for a minimum of 90 days from the date of your receipt of this letter: designation (name, number) of the data box: "Róbert Šellei" (tc3w2hd)

*(note - explanatory note): the possibility of sending a reply to the so-called "*data box" applies only to persons and corporations that have (use) this option, within specific countries – alleged so-called "states, kingdoms, duchies" – or, corporations

Item 11 (summary):

I conclude with a summary of what I expect and demand from you – the purpose of this letter:

1., First of all, I want to emphasize that the No. 1 top priority, the most important purpose and meaning of this letter of mine, is my official public "international manifestation" – my solemn declaration – both to you and to the whole world, that from the date of the completion, or the official so-called “signing” of this letter of mine (in fact – defined in its true sense - providing my autograph) – i.e. 13/07/2023, I, Robert (of the family of šellei), have become OFFICIALLY (as well as from the so-called "legal point of view") "a living man of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a living man living on earth, under the natural law / laws of the land/earth, a sovereign autonomous free living human being with diplomatic immunity". I realized my true worth and dignity a long time ago, but in order to put it in some comprehensible form for you, for that reason I have given this official, above-mentioned date. That is to say, as of this above date (13 July 2023), I do hereby by my official public affidavit and declaration (self-determination) declare myself to be a living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a free sovereign autonomous living human being with all the natural rights that are due to me, by officially affirming that I am not, according to the so-called "law of admiralty jurisdiction", "lost (dead) at sea", but I am alive and I am in no way a so-called "straw man", nor a so-called "natural person", nor a so-called "legal entity", nor a so-called "citizen", nor a so-called "tax entity", nor a so-called "Mr.", etc., nor any other (any other) so-called "titles", names, addresses, and so-called "legal forms" that your so-called "jurisdiction", your unfree slave anti-human corporate system, has forcibly imposed upon me, against my own free will, without my voluntary and/or knowing consent. I am not even a so-called "number, item, delivered goods, commodity, security, stock, debtor, corporate property" etc. and based on all of the above, I have officially ceased to fall under your so-called "jurisdiction" with the validity as of 13 July 2023, on which date you, nor your entire so-called "jurisdiction", have absolutely no jurisdiction over me and as far as I am concerned, I take this as a 100% clear and definitively closed matter!

2., I expect and request from you (as I wrote above – in "Item No. 5" of this letter) an official confirmation that you acknowledge this statement – this information addressed to you, that you agree with everything in this letter (from "Item No. 1" to/including "Item No. 12") without reservation and that you will accept everything I have stated herein with immediate and effective 100%.

3., In this letter are also expressed my own free decisions, opinions, information, experience and my public affidavits towards you, as well as towards the whole world, towards every living sentient being in the world, so that it is completely and unequivocally clear to everyone on the basis of which I act as I do. Take this information from the so-called "legal point of view", as my final message to you, as well as to the whole world, to every living being. Once again, and for the last time, I emphasise that I am not asking anyone in the world to elect me to act that way, nor will I ever ask anyone – I am officially and publicly announcing that I will act that way (and specifically how), regardless of whether or not it is accepted "on your part". Think of it (even from a so-called "legal point of view") as information, as a fait accompli and immutable fact that you cannot change in any way and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. All you can do is accept this unchanging permanent fact – this unchanging fact that YOU ARE OBLIGED to accept.

4., If you have any objections to anything I have stated in this letter, please state in your reply what it specifically relates to, together with a specific and clear explanation of the reason for your disagreement. In case of your incomplete understanding of anything I have stated in this letter, please send to my contact addresses listed above (in "Item No. 10") what specifically from this letter you did not understand (copy – quote the part of the text you did not understand), or you are not sure of the meaning and attach to it a question what specifically you need to clarify – what specifically is not clear to you.

5., In the event of the situation referred to in the preceding paragraph (No. 4) of this "Item No. 11", I am, if I consider it appropriate, willing to respond and will reply to you within the possible time limit (but no later than 28 days from my receipt of your letter) at the address from which I “received” your reply, or at the (different) address to which you request that my reply be sent to you.

6., Last but not least, the purpose of this letter of mine is my official statement – my explicit DISAGREEMENT, PROHIBITION and my REFUSAL to voluntarily cooperate in any way with this unfree corporate anti-human slave system – your so-called “admiralty jurisdiction – maritime (admiralty) law”, which by any cooperation on my part would knowingly keep me in power and thus be (not only) against myself. This interruption (of a clearly involuntary “cooperation” on my part, which has been continuously – all my life against my own free will – enforced by your so-called “jurisdiction”) has definitely happened, based on everything I have stated in this letter and especially, as I have stated above, in paragraph (line) 1 of this “Item No. 11”: I, as a living human being – a free living human being, do not want to have anything more to do with you and with your entire so-called “jurisdiction”), nor do I intend to and will never voluntarily create any kind of contract and form of cooperation, unless it is downright “necessary”, such as in the case (example) mentioned in the following paragraph 7:

7., As for my “Trust” (share of the “national” wealth/mineral wealth of the country”), as I have already mentioned in this letter, I am not after luxury, but if something rightfully belongs to me, something that has been stolen from me, I demand and ORDER that it be immediately restored to my possession with immediate effect. This request/order specifically relates to my “Cestui Que Vie of Trust” of which I am the sole and legitimate: “beneficiary, secured creditor of my debtor (strawman), trustee, executor, heir and owner”, including all of my current as well as future acquired assets, which I officially became by virtue of a “filing with the “UCC” (“UCC 1 – Financial Statement), dated 5 June 2023 – “Registration No: 2023-156-3431-8” and Security Agreement – No: RS 05062023_SA” and also by my public affidavit in this my published letter. I request and order that my “Trust” be paid in the form of gold and silver (in equal proportions), or silver only, within sixty (60) days of your receipt of this letter. I will provide you with the actual address in connection with the execution of this “transaction” upon confirmation from you that this “transaction” will be executed.

8., In this form, at the conclusion of this “Item No. 11”, I hereby notify you again that as of the date of the so-called “signing” (or, provision of my autograph) of this letter of mine addressed to you and also by subsequent sending this letter of mine addressed to you, as well as to the other persons and corporations mentioned in the introduction of this letter and to all their so-called "direct and indirect superordinates", any "cooperation" between us (except for the sending of my possible one-time additional response, in case of your subsequent additional inquiries, related to any ambiguities, mentioned in this letter, communications and a transaction/transactions), in connection with the sending of my "Trust", which is solely "owned" by me and I am its legal and sole owner and "beneficiary") i.e. any additional cooperation between me and you, or, between me and your entire "unfree anti-human mafia corporate slave system" – so-called "maritime (ship-maritime) law – admiralty jurisdiction", definitely ends, which will be confirmed unequivocally by any response from you, by my possible response(s) to your possible questions, but also by no response from you, which I will take as your (tacit) unambiguous and unalterable agreement to fully (100%) agree with everything I have said in this letter after the expiry of the period I have given you to comment – that is, within 28 days at the latest, from the date (from the date) of your receipt of this letter from me.

9., In "Item No. 12 (in "Attachment No. 1")" I attach my official public "price list", which for practical purposes I took the liberty of copying from another group of "live people" who have been using it for some time. I trust that they will not be angry with me for having modified it very minimally, as they say "in my own image", and for having decided to use it as well, on the grounds that if something is established, it is not necessary to always create something new by force. I will charge you, as well as anyone else who wishes to harass me in any way and violate my natural rights as a living human being, the payments listed in this price list as compensation for my expended life energy, as well as my lost and wasted time necessarily spent in my defence, related to any harassment, whether by you or anyone else, especially within (not only) your so-called "jurisdiction".

10., (P.S.): In conclusion, I sincerely wish you (as everyone) to wake up, stop serving the darkness and switch from the negative "dark" side to the "positive" side - i.e. to the side of "light"...

Yours sincerely,

róbert (of the family of šellei) – a living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, a beneficiary, a living man living on earth, under the natural law/law of the land/earth, a free sovereign autonomous living human being (with diplomatic immunity)


place, date, my autograph with my fingerprints and my original seal

Witness statement: I confirm that I "personally" (i am not a person) know róbert (of the family of šellei) and that he has signed this affidavit before me today – or provided his autograph and is therefore a free living breathing human being. I attach my autograph here:


place, date, my autograph with my fingerprint

Item 12 (Appendices):

Appendix 1 (price list): “All rights reserved”



(in ounces of silver)


Any claim without the existence of a legally binding contract between the parties



Enforcement or attempted enforcement of any document previously issued by a defunct entity



Enforcing or attempting to enforce a so-called "court judgment"



Use of third-party services without a legally binding contract between the two parties



Violation of privacy, including sending any form, notice or letter to anyone other than the claimant at the address listed on each statement



Unlawful physical or non-physical threats, including, for example, threats of prosecution, detention, physical harm or legal action



Unlawful physical harm including, but not limited to, the detention of the plaintiff or the infliction of bodily harm



Unlawful, reparable damage to the plaintiff's private property or goods, induced or caused by the counterparty



Unlawful destruction of the plaintiff's personal property or goods, including irreparable damage to them



Unlawful claim of ownership of the claimant's private property or goods, including the sale or auction of the same



Action against another entity that is not a party to these Terms and Conditions and with which there is no legally binding contract between the parties, where that action causes harm to the Claimant, including, for example, damage to its measurable energy



Any telephone call by the counterparty in an attempt to make a claim in the absence of a legally binding contract between the parties



Seizure of the claimant's private property or goods as security for payment or for any claim not supported by a legally binding contract between the parties

*1,000 / calendar day


Each day for which a claim is made against the claimant's private property or goods, including, for example, the registration of a lien, unless there is a legally binding contract between the parties

*500 / calendar day


Unlawful imprisonment or detention, for each day it continues

*1,000 / calendar day


The operation or maintenance of any private money systems, dispensing systems, collection systems, law enforcement systems, the operation of SLAVE LABOUR SYSTEMS utilizing the labour of *"living man" against his/her will. *(Definition of *"living man": a living man is a free sovereign autonomous living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, living under the natural law of the land.)

*1,000 / calendar day

Currency: * troy ounce of pure silver (99.9% content). Silver was chosen because the previous corporations that issued currency had closed. Collection fees: any unpaid invoices are subject to extra charges.

Notes: Without an effective legally binding contract, any fees or invoices that are collected incrementally, including, for example, any interest component, will be treated as separate interventions. The increment units will thus determine the number of invoiced interventions. The terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. New terms and conditions will be offered to the counterparty, which will supersede and invalidate all previously issued terms and conditions.

Appendix 2 (My "Foreword" to the summarised information – from my adapted and modified (shortened) original "Presentation" + my modified original "Presentation" itself:


I would be happy, as I'm sure the general public would be, if you would also comment on the serious information below, regarding the actual functioning of this slave corporate system, which for logical reasons is not publicly discussed. This presentation, mainly "graphically" (appearance) and stylistically (text) slightly modified by me, was created by another living person and with his/her permission I have attached it to my letter. I would like to point out that I do not fully agree with all the information presented in the attached presentation, especially with the part of the presentation where it mentions the "OPPT" group of people, which I have omitted because I do not belong to them or to any other specific group of people, because I, based on my unfortunately not very positive life experience, in connection with cooperation with other people, have found it appropriate to go exclusively my own way. In some places, I have exceptionally inserted my own commentary for the sake of context, which in such cases is always marked as ("My comment":) at the beginning of such commentary. If you have any comments to make on this, or anything I have mentioned throughout this letter, I give you the space to comment, but if you have nothing to say, you had better keep quiet. I will take your silence as your tacit approval of all the information contained in this "Presentation" as well as throughout this letter of mine.



Definition: "Man is a living being endowed with intellect and the faculty of speech. Man is the centre of the law which he/she himself/herself has made." (Juristisches Wörterbuch G. Köbler)

A spiritually inspired, living being comes to earth in human form with inviolable rights, i.e., there is a fundamental right to life, to gain life from the fruits of the earth, to develop freely, to seek happiness..., it is designed to define itself in freedom and self-awareness. Human dignity is inviolable.


Article 1 – People are free and equal in dignity and rights. Fundamental rights and freedoms are inherent, inalienable, non-barred and inviolable.

Article 3 – (1) Fundamental rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed to everyone, without distinction of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, membership of a national or ethnic minority, property, birth or other status.

Article 9 – No one shall be subjected to forced labour or service.



Do no harm, act in peace, do not cheat











Statutes, laws, rules, codes...











When the baby is born, a record of the presence of a living human body is made in the maternity hospital – a record of live birth - the original is sent to the public authority (registry office). In this sense, the mother is the informant of the live-born child to the public authority.

The record establishes and verifies man's inherent and natural right to his ESTATE/HERITAGE/ACTIVITY/TRUST = our share of the national wealth. YOU'RE A LEGAL MAN-WOMAN.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE (billable form)











BIRTH CERTIFICATE – is the title of the Soul

  • the Church claims absolute dominion over the body + spirit + soul of man, by means of so-called bullae, which are absolutist decrees of the Pope

  • confirms the status of a slave; the person has no control over his body, mind, soul or spirit, because everything

is owned by the public authority ("the State")


Canon 2048

Since 1933 at the birth of a child, 3 Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created which are designed to deny the child any rights to real property, any rights as a free person and any rights to be known as male and female.

Canon 2049

The Executors and Trustees of the Senior Estate voluntarily and knowingly transfer the beneficial rights of the Child as Beneficiary to the Trust 1 Cestui Que (Vie) in the form of a matrimonial registration of the name, which also creates a legal entity and denies the child any rights as a property owner.

Canon 2056

If a private hidden trust is found to have been created on false assumptions, then the trust will immediately lose all assets if the man or woman claims to be the one with the body, mind and soul who is listed on the birth certificate.

Canon 2057

Any trustee or executor who refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust held over a person, his/her status and power to act has been guilty of fraud and a fundamental breach of his/her duties as a trustee, necessitating his/her immediate removal and punishment.

Source: "Canonum De lus Positivum"















- LIVES UNDER THE "LAW OF THE SEA" ("lost at sea") obeys STATUTES, LAWS, RULES AND CODES – has LEGAL PRIVILEGES – benefits granted

and revocable).





The "registrar" will execute the birth certificate as a bond in a similar sounding name under the establishment document "record of live birth" and will publicly acknowledge this PROPERTY TITLE. YOU ARE NOW A REGISTERED DEAD LEGAL ENTITY.

The person's name, i.e. the bond, is then sold to the VATICAN through the World Bank (BIS).

His/her market value: its weight in the live birth record relative to gold.


- corresponds to the average expected gain per citizen, calculated from a lifetime of work output, creative ideas, consumption and tax payments over an average lifetime, etc.


(Example from the Czech Republic): Under Act No. 106/1999 Coll., Section 2 – Obligation to provide information

And according to Act 301/2000, Collection of Documents, Section 8(1), the registry office shall keep a birth register, a marriage register and a death register... Section 25(1), the registry office shall issue a registration document or permit inspection of the registration register and the making of extracts therefrom in the presence of the registrar (a) to the natural person to whom the entry relates or to members of his/her family, his/her siblings and to the proxies of such persons,

Officially certified, (stamp of Regional Authority), complete double-sided copies – of the extract of the civil registry document:


Child Birth Report


BECAUSE: If you do not declare yourself "alive" within seven years, you will be considered "missing at sea".

When we were born, at that one moment, we were the only beneficiaries of our Trust. Thanks to my mother's ignorance, when she signed the birth certificate, the tables were turned. Now the beneficiary is the "state" and the PERSON – the CITIZEN (no longer a person) is the trustee. As a result, they have made us all "employees of the state enterprise" because only as such is there an "obligation" to pay taxes. And the key point is that we "public servants" now have to carry the public debt for the private banking system. This entire system is protected and maintained on behalf of private banks.

The birth certificate confirms the status of a slave; the person has no control over his body, mind, soul or spirit, because everything is owned by a public authority.

Another really effective way to forfeit is to apply for tax or social security.

An ID card is also a very secure tool to apply for a legal private death.

Every report card, teaching certificate, degree, marriage license, mortgage, loan, insurance policy, death certificate, etc. is a bond. It opens your trust to its owner with your assets.

Evidence: "P" in the passport = PERSONA – a sign for a fool, mentally retarded, horned cattle, creature, outcast, bankrupt, debtor, criminal, enemy of the state, foreigner (...see for yourself!)


  • it's a fictional thing, a reflection in the mirror of a man

  • A person is created at the birth of each child who is certified through a birth certificate.

  • A PERSON has the same name, the same date of birth and the same address as a human, but he/she is NOT flesh and blood, he/she does not exist as a human. It's a thing, a company, certified by a birth certificate.





UCC 1-201, para. 27

"Person" means any other legal or commercial entity. "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, joint venture, governmental unit, agency or instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity. (First UCC publication 1952.)













pepa novak – a living man, he has all the rights granted by the Creator and belongs under natural law (Common Law)

Pepa Novák – (capitis diminutio minima) – has minimal loss of status, retains his rights to freedom and citizenship (until 1991 until the division of the country)

Pepa NOVÁK – (capitis deminutio media) – medium loss of status – loss of civil rights without loss of freedom

(until 2012)

PEPA NOVÁK – (capitis deminutio maxima) – the ultimate loss of status - the state of freedom turned into a state of slavery loss of civil rights and family law (dead legal fiction = inanimate property of a corporation, a mere piece of paper)

Novák Pepa – (nom deguere) – state of war













- INK BLACK = corresponds to legal (dead) language, denotes debt and death

BLUE = corresponds to business language

PURPLE = indicates the absence of a legal entity (fiction)

RED = LIFE (thumbprint)



Actual Living Private


Divine Laws / Creator / Universe


Laws of nature

COMMON LAW (Private)

Cause no harm, loss or fraud to other living people


All who hold a Public Oath of Office MUST serve Private Persons

Lawful LAWS OF THE LAND/EARTH De lure – by law

Legal LAWS OF THE SEA / MARITIME / PIRATE De Facto – In Reality, In Practice


Contract Law / Business Law / Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.)


Military / Tribunal / Martial Law


Statutory Acts, Statutory Charters, Statutory Codes, Rules, Legislative Instruments


Legal Entity, Franchise, Debtors

The Dead


LAWFUL, refers to the essence of the law. The lawful act is permitted, sanctioned or not prohibited by law

LEGAL, refers to a form of law. The legal act shall be performed in accordance with the forms and customs of the law or in a technical manner. In this sense, "illegal" is close to the meaning of "void".


1. The Council of Nicaea in 325, convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I.

The original city of Nicaea, present-day Iznik, Turkey. The uniform doctrine of the "Nicene Creed" – the origin of Christianity and the claiming of taxes from the earthly kingdom. The creation of the first form of the complete Bible, when many hundreds of old scrolls and gospels were selected.

Year 538 – New World Transformation

The breakup of the Roman Empire into 10 new kingdoms. In 538, the Council of Orleans meets, and a resolution is passed to transfer all jurisdiction of the Roman Empire to the Vatican Church! The Church gains unlimited power over the world, the Dark Ages begin.

Year 1302 – Pope Boniface VIII – papal bull Unam Sanctam – (One Holy) Egocentrism, the highest level of the Universe (rightful heir of GOD)

"The Earth is mine." "The property doesn't exist." "All the men died at sea."

The culminating struggles between the Church and the secular nobility since the 5th century. War with Philip IV, King of France

After the death in 1303 of Boniface VIII, Benedict XI took office for 1 year, then Philip IV installed his Pope Clement V. (Avignon). Boniface VIII created the concept of the first Church Trust.

Year 1452 – Pope Nicholas V. – Papal Bull Dum Diversas

"The lands are ceded to kings and nobles." "The Catholic faith for all (even pagans)."

"Only the nobility can own property." They are all lost at sea."

Year 1455 Pope Nicholas V Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex – Roman Pontificate

The 2nd Romanus Pontifex in history, this one was addressed directly to King Afonso of Portugal (confirming his dominion over newly discovered lands, e.g. the territory of today's Morocco)

Founding of the Vatican Library in Rome.

1455 – Pope Nicholas V – Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex

Creation of the first concept of a hereditary TRUST. Immovable property under the absolute control of the Pope and his successors. All land is designated as "Crown Land".

1481 – Pope Sixtus IV – "Human beings are incapable and subject to forced administration."

"All authority belongs (pertains) to the Pope alone, property (spiritual and temporal) until the missing person returns to claim his rights."

"Only the nobility (the Pope) can own property." "All declared dead also in spirit."


The "first" law is deliberately hidden under the declared laws of King Richard III's reign – when the law (still in force) states that all transfers and conveyances and uses of property are good, even though the purchaser may not be aware that he/she is in fact under "cestui que vie".

The law states that if a person is completely sane, is not a minor child, and is not under financial duress, then all property within the Cestui Que Vie Trusts is rightfully used

1662 – King Charles II issues the Settlement Certificate

A document that gave poor people support. If they were in material need, the nearest parish was responsible for them and had to take care of the poor. At the same time, however, the poor person becomes the property of the parish. A newborn child in the parish from the age of 7 years can accept "voluntary servitude". Until the age of 16, a child can obtain this Certificate of Settlement for themselves and it is the only way to get out. This document becomes a kind of privilege – not a right for everyone. Settlement Certificate – fully replaced the modern Identification Documents, Passport, Social Insurance and Liability Insurance.

Year 1666 (derived from 666) – King Charles II.

2nd breakthrough Cestui Que Vie Act = "Proof of Life Act" – under which the poor and disenfranchised who had not "proved" to Westminster and the courts that they were alive were to be declared "legally dead" and therefore lost, abandoned, and their property administered in their absence. This highly morally repugnant act, which is still in effect today, stands at the origin of Mundi and the infamous occult rituals of the British courts, involving the wearing of black robes and other attributes in the worship of the 'dead'."

The Great Fire of London. The reordering and creation of a new world history as we know it today.

1741 – Pur Auture Vie

The "third" law, under which a person who was familiar with the Cestui Que Vie slave system could, between the ages of 18 and 20, apply for the return of that property under the Cestui Que Vie and cease to be a slave. However, the same law enacted that after the expiration of 20 years, there is no longer a remedy for such a refund. The existence of the Cestui Que Vie Trust is denied and Westminster and the banks are sworn to lie, defend and hide at all costs the existence of the foundations of global banking servitude.

1776 – The Rise of Human Rights

"People are free and equal in dignity and rights. Fundamental rights and freedoms are inherent, inalienable, non-barred and irrevocable."

In 1781, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution prohibiting slavery and the original 1776 Trust are repealed.

1776 – Austria-Hungary

Compulsory schooling (the school system and the whole concept of education has not been reformed until now). Compulsory 30-year military service.

FORCED LABOUR (obligation for persons without property to work for the wealthy) SERFDOM (prohibition of free movement)

Austria-Hungary after 1780

Toleration patent (toleration of non-Catholic ways of believing: Lutheranism, Calvinism, etc.);

Abolition of Serfdom (free marriage and movement): Josephine cadastre (inventory of property);

Modified Forced Labour (newly work for pay); Patent on the obligation of an unchangeable surname;


1789 – The Great French Revolution

Revolt against the Church and the nobility, end of absolutism (conquest of the Bastille) Introduction of the term "citizen"

Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte – 1804–1814 Emperor of France

1804 reorganizes the administration of France, issues the New Civil Code (Civil Code)

In 1798 Napoleon commissions General Louis Berthier to capture Pope Pius VI.

Pope Pius VI dies in captivity, the Vatican loses some of its power.

The 1815 "speculation" of the century on the London Stock Exchange

Napoleon sets out for his last battle in what is now Belgium, Waterloo. From the sea, Napoleon blocks ships around English shores (prevented export, import trade).

The Bank of London finances the Prussian banker with loans to England for the war. The government contracted for the bank to provide regular payments to British soldiers. The government gave gold and silver as collateral, which the bank exchanged. The Battle of Waterloo lasted about 10 hours, meanwhile the London Stock Exchange was experiencing a terrifying fall in stocks and bonds (war – government and commercial companies).

The whole of Britain lives in the belief that Napoleon has won, false rumours spread like wildfire. The one and only Nathan Mayer Rothschild, backed by the capital of his 3 brothers, is slowly buying up everything for a fraction of the price. Nathan Mayer Rothschild's brother, James Mayer Rothschild helped finance Wellington's army. From 1817, he financed the construction of railways from his bank in Paris, France. From 1823, he was the chief banker of the French government.

1836 – Birth and Death Registration Act introduced

General Registry Office created, keeping records of births, deaths and marriages

1 July 1837 – Britain – Birth Certificate created, replacing the existing Settlement Certificate A compulsory document for all poor people in the territory of Britain who had been deprived of their primogeniture at birth. The creation of legal "voluntary slaves".

Italy year 1871, creation of the official Birth Certificate in Italy (probably thanks to Pope Pius IX)

USA year 1871 – creation of the new District of Columbia Act

President Ulysses S. Grant signs a bill to create a new territorial government. They are talking about the 1st American Act, which created a territorial unit run as a corporation.

From 1871 onwards, power shifts from Europe to the USA.

The Rothschild family finances governments through its banks in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. They receive interest on government bonds from the Napoleonic Wars (mostly from England)

Washington DC is becoming the new centre of the world. A prophecy more than 500 B.C. old is coming true.

1913 – Creation of the Federal Reserve System President Wilson agrees to transfer all management from the Treasury Department to private bankers

USA 1929 Great Depression. In 1929, the European and American economies begin to stagnate. The 11-year boom is ending. Overall demand is falling in the automotive and engineering sectors, which have been booming.

The financial sector and industry are waiting to see how the Fed will act, banks are expecting more capital from the Fed. The financial bubble is peaking.

Wednesday, 23 October 1929, demand in the financial market reached its absolute peak.

Thursday, 24 October 1929, trading ceased on the New York Stock Exchange. Securities are worth more than the overall level of demand.

Black Friday, 25 October 1929 The New York Stock Exchange declares a crash, stock prices plummet. People are panicking, the system is collapsing. Instead of a bailout package for banks and businesses, the Fed raised interest rates before the stock market crash.

1930 – Establishment of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements)

Founding members: Lionel Walter Rothschild, Prescott Bush, Rockefeller, George V - King of England, Alfonso XIII - King of Spain, Claus Felix von Amsberg - Dutch nobleman, Victor Emmanuel III.

Creation of a secondary market (hidden market).

The BIS provides and manages regulations for almost all of the world's central banks.

USA year 1933 – 194 nations became SEC (Security Exchange Commissions) registered private corporations

since 1933, the worldwide Cestui Que Vie/Foreign Situs Trust system has been in place.

Czech Republic – CNB (Czech National Bank) registration

11 November 1963 – Agreement Green Hilton Memorial Building Geneva and Certificate of Geneva Top Secret Agreement USA President J. F. Kennedy and Indonesian President Sukarno.

59,000 tonnes of gold bullion were to be transferred to the US Treasury through UBS for the introduction of new silver certificates.

In 1933 – introduction of the Data Universal Numbering System

DUNS has become the standard business identifier for commercial, educational and government entities worldwide.

(Example:) THE CZECH REPUBLIC LTD - D-U-N-S number: 73-433-6196

Company information – Address: 46 School Road Charing TN27 0JN ASHFORD

Office of the Government of the Czech Republic D-U-N-S number: 49-514-1574

Company information – Address: Edvarda Beneše 128/4 Praha 118 00 – Malá Strana

The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic 49-514-1574 Office of the President of the Republic, DUNS: 49-676-7463

Ministry of Industry and Trade, DUNS: 49-501-3104 Ministry of Finance, DUNS: 49-501-3120

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DUNS: 49-502-6627 Ministry of Defence, DUNS: 49-505-0882

Ministry of the Interior, DUNS: 49-506-8413 General Financial Directorate, DUNS: 36-698-3178

Czech Social Security Administration, DUNS: 36-056-1666

(Example:) STATE DEBT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC - CZK 1,934,810,564,071 (source: Data from the Government of the Czech Republic)

Interest per year

CZK 56,145,421,449

Interest per second

CZK 1,781

Debt per citizen

CZK 182,097

Debt as % of GDP



CZK 5 275 407 418 321




Facts about the economy of the Czech Republic: For this amount, you could buy 52,660 Lamborghini Veneno.

You could wrap $100 bills that would circle the planet 9 times

If you spent $1,000,000 a day, it would take you 649 years and 2 months to spend all of the Czech Republic's debt.

(More examples:)

State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre, DUNS: 495130445, Cadastral Office for Central Bohemia Region, DUNS: 496764986, Constitutional Court, DUNS: 496276838, Municipal Court in Brno, DUNS: 4966997 Supreme Court, DUNS: 496641077, Regional Court in Brno, DUNS: 496745647, District Court Brno-Country, DUNS: 496575734, Police Presidium of the Czech Republic DUNS: 888401259, Regional Police Directorate of the Capital City of Prague DUNS: 495349102












After World War I and the subsequent economic crisis in 1933, the US declared bankruptcy. The private banks, or rather the "CROWN", managed to bankrupt the USA. Money ceased to be backed by gold and has since operated under emergency or martial law. All other rights are suspended under martial law!

Roosevelt dissolved the bankrupt government and enacted a law on: "EMERGENCY BANKING". The U.S.

Incorporated was created; the birth certificates were misused and the citizens (their trusts) gave them as collateral to the Fed, a private bank.



In 2012, soon after a 2-year investigation, foreclosure proceedings were completed on all "state-owned private corporations" and banks.

Heather Ann hired the Treasury Department for a financial investigation. They collected 50 documents called FINAL BULLET. They have uncovered and proven fraudulent financial and business speculation that violated the applicable legislation they must rely on in the UCC. These practices are a direct and undeniable cause of the system of financial debt servitude. The US banking system is internationally controlled by several centres of power, supported by the US government. This is the biggest fraud and CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY on a PLANETARY LEVEL.

With effect from 23 January 2013 – The Banks and the Governments did not refute ANY of the allegations in the documents within the 28-day period. The results of the investigation are clear, undeniable and unquestionable. OPPT announces the closure of world banking and "government". The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which abolishes slavery, is reinstated.


In 2016, unfortunately, the U.S. INCORPORATED created what is called the Federal Reserve Trust, and in doing so they put what was supposed to be returned to the people back under their control. There are no sovereign states on earth anymore, only a system of trust companies – firms that administer existing corporate or commercial law.




? By declaring ourselves "alive"⚡ we cancel all trusts, agreements and contracts that we never knowingly and understandingly entered into and take back our name and property.

- ⚡ We become the general owner of our property, its trustee, sole heir, executor and beneficiary of all the benefits arising from our creative work


Affidavits are the legal process of using information and Evidence to enhance an individual's personal independence and freedom. An unchallenged affidavit is also an unchallenged truth in business dealings.





Step 1: Sending affidavits by post and/or email. The defendant(s) have 28 days to respond.

Step 2: If no response is received – Send a 2nd affidavit, "Opportunity to Remedy". Defendants have 14 days to respond.

Step 3 If there is no response, send a "Final Notice" or "Default Letter".





"Person" means any other legal or commercial entity. "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited company, association, joint venture, governmental unit, agency or instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity. (First UCC publication 1952).














("My comment":) This part of the presentation describes, here – in this abbreviated version of the presentation by me, various documents not mentioned, such as the so-called – "POLITE NOTICE, NULL ORDER, S.H.A.E.F. NOTICE (explained below), PENALTY NOTICE TO SHAEF, DEFENCE LETTER: UCC+MOTU PROPRIO+S.H.A.E.F., FILING UCC 1, etc.



World War II was NOT ended in the entire territory of occupied Europe because there is and has never been ANY peace treaty between defeated Germany and the Czechoslovak Republic (or any of its later corporate derivatives). All laws of the military government, including SHAEF Law No. 2, Articles III, IV and V, Section 7, 8 and 9, have full legal force in all occupied territories of Europe.

The corporations that emerged in the post-war era were merely ordinary business entities whose so-called "statehood" and legality were, even under the international law of war, null and void. The time of these fake corporations and all their fraudulent and criminal enablers, employees, agencies and institutions expired on 9 September 2012.

If the military government's orders for each individual case are not physically available, all those involved who work on behalf of any European so-called "Court" or the so-called "Prosecutor's Office" or so-called "Regional Police Directorate" and other corporate entities carrying out the so-called "exercise of state power", only by privately criminally acting and privately criminally responsible persons without any legal basis.


Simply put, it separates your living husband/wife self from the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS BUSINESS NAME / BIRTH CERTIFICATE LEGAL NAME (STRAWMAN) and asset protection and security of that name by backdating the security agreement to your 18th birthday or the date you choose to file. This makes you a "secured party" or lienholder in that name – and protects its assets, including property and bank accounts, from lien, levy, attachment, garnishment or forfeiture.

UCC-1 is NOT a lien. It is only a notice of lien. The lien itself is created by a security agreement between the secured party and the debtor/commercial name.





If a spiritually animated living being is "voluntarily" brought to a fictitious law (statute, regulation, etc.) with its obligations as its own legal understanding to accept (identify with) it, i.e., to "voluntarily" submit to an inferior position and act accordingly, even though it is contrary to its inviolable rights and this is not remedied (amounts to an implicit conduct), it is not a violation of fundamental rights because it is done by "free will."


Attachment No. 3 (the so-called documents and certificates forcibly assigned to me – i.e. my so-called "legal fiction"):

This last attachment is an integral part of this letter – they are separately the so-called "judicially (officially) translated and above certified ("apostilled and legalised" or so-called "superlegalised")" originals and copies of the so-called "valid state and church documents and personal identity documents" forcibly assigned to me – without my knowledge and/or voluntary consent – i.e. my so-called "legal fiction", namely:

the so-called "BIRTH CERTIFICATE (recorded in the Birth Register of the Registry Office of Topoľčany, Volume 48, Year 1984, Page 69, Item No. 533), BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (recorded in the Baptismal Register, Volume BXVII, Page 106, Number 339), CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE, IDENTITY CARD (Number EZ352191), DRIVER'S CARD (Series and Number: E0636637/TO-00619-12), (biometric) PASSPORT (Passport number BB4956037), Criminal Record Extract" and the last – the most important document of all - i.e. the so-called "Child Birth Report – Birth Book Number 523, Serial No. 69/533, Vol. 48, Vol. 1984, dated 14/06/1984" – where it is clearly stated that the child (i.e. me – róbert from the family of šellei) was born alive and healthy (so-called "mature" child).

In connection with the above documents, let me add my small "technical (factual)" remark:

One original is made of each so-called "higher certification (Apostille + Superlegalisation)". Since I am sending this letter of mine to more than one hundred and fifty (150) so-called "institutions" (corporations), it is unthinkable for me to send the original to every single corporation for a number of reasons – not only from an ecological point of view, but mainly from a time and economic (financial) point of view. Just the work itself, connected with the so-called "verification" of these (mostly) two originals from each document, took me several weeks of considerable stress, calling and writing to various so-called "authorities, ministries, embassies", etc.. I have to admit that at some of the so-called "authorities" their "employees" were helpful, but at others they were extremely unhelpful (with an inhuman attitude) and I hardly got an answer from them to my clearly asked question, not to mention that the information (their answers) to one and the same question of mine, related to the so-called "verification" of documents, differed among the various so-called "officials" and they were obviously very confused. On the basis of my negative experience and also the experience of my friends whom I have entrusted with this work, connected with the acceptance and so-called "verification" of documents, the delays and reluctance on the part of some so-called "officials" and the general lack of common sense and experience connected with this extreme bureaucracy, I could write a separate letter. And most importantly, if for no other reason, then on principle alone I will not knowingly support this corporate anti-human slave system, which I have unfortunately financially supported and still involuntarily and coercively support more than enough in my lifetime. For these reasons, I enclose the original of the so-called "officially certified" and "officially translated" documents only to selected so-called "institutions" and send "only" copies to the rest of the corporations, where each copy of the document clearly shows the registration number under which the document is kept in the so-called "database of the software system of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic" – it is specifically the so-called "Electronic Journal of an Expert (Interpreter, Translator)" – abbreviation "EDZ". If necessary (your additional request) and if I deem it appropriate, I can send you the original document additionally.






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