
PRICE LIST - "All rights reserved"



(in ounces of silver)


Any claim without the existence of a legally binding contract between the parties



Enforcement or attempted enforcement of any document previously issued by a defunct entity



Enforcing or attempting to enforce a so-called "court judgment"



Use of third-party services without a legally binding contract between the two parties



Violation of privacy, including sending any form, notice or letter to anyone other than the claimant at the address listed on each statement



Unlawful physical or non-physical threats, including, for example, threats of prosecution, detention, physical harm or legal action



Unlawful physical harm including, but not limited to, the detention of the plaintiff or the infliction of bodily harm



Unlawful, reparable damage to the plaintiff's private property or goods, induced or caused by the counterparty



Unlawful destruction of the plaintiff's personal property or goods, including irreparable damage to them



Unlawful claim of ownership of the claimant's private property or goods, including the sale or auction of the same



Action against another entity that is not a party to these Terms and Conditions and with which there is no legally binding contract between the parties, where that action causes harm to the Claimant, including, for example, damage to its measurable energy



Any telephone call by the counterparty in an attempt to make a claim in the absence of a legally binding contract between the parties



Seizure of the claimant's private property or goods as security for payment or for any claim not supported by a legally binding contract between the parties

*1,000 / calendar day


Each day for which a claim is made against the claimant's private property or goods, including, for example, the registration of a lien, unless there is a legally binding contract between the parties

*500 / calendar day


Unlawful imprisonment or detention, for each day it continues

*1,000 / calendar day


The operation or maintenance of any private money systems, dispensing systems, collection systems, law enforcement systems, the operation of SLAVE LABOUR SYSTEMS utilizing the labour of *"living man" against his/her will. *(Definition of *"living man": a living man is a free sovereign autonomous living human being of spirit, soul, body, mind, flesh, blood and bone, living under the natural law of the land.)

*1,000 / calendar day


Currency: * troy ounce of pure silver (99.9% content). Silver was chosen because the previous corporations that issued currency had closed. Collection fees: any unpaid invoices are subject to extra charges.

Notes: Without an effective legally binding contract, any fees or invoices that are collected incrementally, including, for example, any interest component, will be treated as separate interventions. The increment units will thus determine the number of invoiced interventions. The terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. New terms and conditions will be offered to the counterparty, which will supersede and invalidate all previously issued terms and conditions.





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